Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Friday, August 04, 2006

Gahhhhhhhhh! It isn't morning already, is it?

This was almost the morning that alarm clock got smashed to bits! We got home from the fair last night after 11:00. Then we had to get Amanda to bed. Jenny disappeared immediately to bed. I forgot to put the coffee on for morning last night. So, now I have to wait on it to be ready. I hate when my coffee isn't just sitting there waiting for me when I get out of bed. And 5:30 comes way too early. They should move it back by at least a good 3 or 4 more hours. I would love to try sleeping until noon just one day in my life. Anyway......I could probably go on all morning about how tired I am and how morning comes too fast. Who wants to listen to me moan about the need for sleep though. At least it is Friday. John is off tomorrow. We can probably get away with sleeping until 8:30 or even 9! So, how was the fair, right? We had a great time. I got to the fairgrounds around 3. Saw my Dad as soon as I got there in the parking lot. He came over and helped me get Amanda out of the van. I went with him and met up with Mom and Maurice. (John's cousin from Wales.) They were in the agriculture building. Had a look around at the entries. My nephew, Taylor had entered a few things. He won 4 ribbons for his entries. He entered a box of my mother's eggs. They won the blue ribbon and were definately by far the nicest eggs there. He won ribbons for potatoes, green beans and tomatoes as well. He is always so proud of his ribbons. Mom, Dad and Maurice took Amanda and left Jenny and I behind in the Art building. I love to look at the artwork. There were so many talented entries. The favorite in the youth category was a pencil drawing of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack. My favorite in the senior category was an acrylic of a grandmother holding a baby. So Jenny and I had a little freedom! Amanda was off with the older folks. We walked around and looked at all the displays. I ran into a couple of people from high school. It was nice to see them. They were always nice people. Got hugs off of Dennis who had a locker next to mine. I have run into him occassionally over the years. He has never forgotten that I helped his mother care for him after his nearly fatal motorcycle accident. How many times did I sit and hold his hand when he was afraid? He lost short term memory for quite a while and had horrible flashbacks and thought he was dead a lot of the time. He remembered me most of the time and would calm down to having his hand held. So good to see him walking around with a smile on his face. Then we met up with the gang to watch Taylor in the tractor pull. He came in second. Only lost by a matter of inches. He managed to pedal that little tractor with 70 pounds of weight on it! Strong little guy! John met up with me for supper. Amanda had gone and eaten with the rest of the gang but Jenny and I waited for John to get there after work. My belly contained popcorn, hot sausage sandwich, beef jerky, fudge dippin' dots (sugar free of course) and a funnel cake without the sugar by the end of the night. Found the rest of the gang standing over a pregnant cow making bets on if she would deliver by the end of the fair. Snuck water in to a bunny that had spilled his water bowl. Went over and had a look at the draft horses. Magnificent beasts! They are so huge. As usual I found one that particularly liked being talked to. I really don't care who thinks I am strange for talking to the horses. Then I bought 6 raffle tickets on a Belgian colt. His name is Doc and he is a beautiful baby. I refrain from calling him little. I don't think Belgians are ever little. Then we went to the bull riding. It started to rain. The rain didn't last long but just long enough to cool it down. Found one of the barrel racing girls vomiting in the bathroom. Asked her if she needed help. She said she had been in a car accident and has been vomiting since. I told her to see a doctor. She said she would go to the hospital after the show. She went to her trailor to lay down. She didn't manage her ride. There were 3 injuries from the bulls. Two required ambulances. One was the rodeo clown. He didn't get injured badly. He got himself between the injured cowboy on the ground and the bull. He probably saved that cowboy from a goring. I sure wouldn't be brave enough to be a rodeo clown. It looked to me like he got a head to leg from the bull but not the horns. That cowboy laid on the ground for quite some time, but got up and walked off the field. The other one walked away from the bull but sunk to his knees twice walking off. He got hit in the chest. They wear a protective vest but they can still get hurt pretty bad. Most all of them walk with limps. I think they are crazy to get on a bull. I do like to watch the bull ride though. I get pretty excited when it looks like they are going to stay on a full 8 seconds. I'd be flying through the air in less than 1. We had a pretty good night and came home exhausted. Gee this is long. I am going back to bed!


  • At 6:58 AM, Blogger Mayme said…

    OMG. I thought I lost that long post. My computer disconnected about the time I republished. (Dang dial up!) I thought it lost that long, long winded post. I was about to pull out my hair.

  • At 1:47 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    Mayme a REALLY good piece of advice, because like everything else Blogger has it's issues now and then....... when you type out a post, save it somewhere (copy it to an email even if that's all you have) and THEN publish. That way if it doesn't go through you still have it intact to try again later.

    You can also save it to "Draft" instead of "Publish".... but I find that if blogger is having issues it won't even save to draft.

    Hope that helps hon.

    Wow it sounds like a full day you had, and lots of fun and good eats! Those rodeo clowns have the most dangerous job don't they?

  • At 3:06 PM, Blogger Mayme said…

    Ma, people don't ever think about how dangerous the job of a rodeo clown is. They are actually bull fighters.

  • At 7:50 AM, Blogger xSianyxBabyx said…

    I love watching rodeo clowns but my heart is always in my throat!!!

    It sounds like fun...I wish we had stuff like that here in Northampton!

    Mayme, I love reading your long posts...don't stop!

  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger DrSketch said…

    Oh man, sounds like fun! Hope the fair starts up soon here....

    I get up at 5:30 every day too, so I understand. The worst part is the weekends: I have nothing to wake me up (the alarm is off, and I have no children), but I still can't sleep much past 8...


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