Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Ahhhhh! Sleep! (at last)

It feels so good to have slept until 8:30 this morning. Even though I was rudely awakened by a cramp in my leg. John was trying to rub it but he was getting entirely the wrong part of my leg. I know I was screaming but it was hurting! It is still aching. Yikes! We went to bed at 10:30 last night. I was so tired last night I could hardly hold my eyes open. I had a nice chat with Kim on IM last night that I wouldn't have traded for the world though. And Kim, if you read this.....I meant what I said about wanting to come and eat all your food! I wanted to make it into my chatroom last night but was just too tired. John has been really tired too lately. He works so hard in this heat. There is no a/c in that big old barge factory. Poor thing roasts in there while handling those huge sheets of steel. "The Pervert" at John's work nearly got someone hurt again. He is going to get someone hurt eventually. If he wants to live it better not be my John. The dipshit tried to lift over 6 tons of weight with a crane designed to lift 500 pounds with one chain that is designed for 300 pounds. Needless to say the chain snapped and the hook went flying. Thank God it didn't hit anyone. This "pervert" (he walks up to things and humps them) has done dangerous things on several occassions. He needs to be fired for the safety of everyone there. OK. Now that I have got that off my chest! Today's plans are that I go to the grocery store some time this morning. Then we have a nice little lunch at home. Later we are taking Maurice and going to Fort Necessity, Jumonville and maybe Washington's Tavern. Those are all in the mountain. Glad I got my brakes fixed Thursday. I sure wouldn't want to come down off a mountain with bad brakes. I guess from what Dad told me my brake shoe broke and dug into the rotor. I knew I should have had more brake than I had. I could feel the loss of brake and I heard the grinding on the rotor. I took it straight home but I knew that I would need a new rotor after hearing the grinding. More money I don't have GONE! So, off to the mountain for a day of history. I don't know if I will make it online tomorrow at all. We are going to Kennywood Park from opening to closing. Should be a fun day.


  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    Sounds like "the pervert" should be fired for his stupid and dangerous ways! I hope he doesn't hurt anyone!

    Have fun on your excursions Mayme!

  • At 6:20 PM, Blogger xSianyxBabyx said…

    Mayme, how many hours are in your day? I only have the standard sound like you have 48! You are always out and about and you always have time for us too!

    I wish I had as much time to go visiting'd do me good to get out and about more!

    Have a great time on your daytrip Mayme!


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