Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Locked Away

Locked away inside myself
I have forgotten who I am
The girl inside me screams
Into the emptiness
That I have become
Once I lived for life
Each heartbeat strongly felt
Now inside she dies
Buried beneath
What others want me to be
Riding through the night
Inside a dream
I struggle to be let out
I want to scream
I want to run
Throw off my heavy clothes
Run naked in the field.
Find myself again
Learn to feel
Instead of hide behind
The boring, mundane world
That I have built around me
The world that has nearly killed me
Let me out.
I want to be
Set me free
Let me breathe
Run, run like the wind
Naked and free.

Strange dream

In the dream I am with John and another woman. I don't really know who she is, but she is definately a friend of me and John. We have come to an underground cave and we are inside. For some reason we can see without the use of artificial lighting. Everything seems dark, yet we can still see it. We are able to walk from room to room of this cave without the need to bend or squeeze. It is a very open cavern yet there are definately different rooms. There is a small trickle of water about two inches wide that runs everywhere we are walking. We come to a rock ledge. Along the back wall of this room there is an opening about a foot and a half. It is circular. Inside the opening water runs down from above the opening filling the entire opening with water flowing like a showerhead, not like a waterfall, but only in one line. This is from where the small stream is coming. Suddenly, all the flow of water stops. A white mist comes over the area. There is a feeling of heaviness and evil. The woman is standing near me. John is standing a few feet away. The woman says to me, "Everything has stopped." I feel afraid for a moment and then I feel angry. I reach out my hand and in a very authoritative voice I say, "Get out! Get out now!" Then the mist lifts, the presence is gone and the water begins to flow again. Then we walk toward John. He is standing on a rock across what seems to be some sort of canal. It appears more man made than everything else. He is waiting for us. The canal seems to run parallel with the small stream. The canal is perhaps two to three feet wide. The bottom of it appears smooth, like poured cement. The canal rounds a bend and appears to disappear beside where the opening with the water was. I look into the water and say that it looks deep. The woman with me steps into the water beside me. I see that it is only a few inches deep. Then she takes a step away from where the opening in the stone was and toward a big open area. She drops off suddenly and is in water to her waist. She laughs and says that it must drop off in areas so we will have to be careful. I am still standing on the side. She turns to walk in the other direction. Suddenly, although the water is more shallow in that direction she is being pulled under and toward where the canal disappears next to the opening in the rock. I reach in and pull her with all my might. I pulled her up onto the rock beside me. John runs to us. He tells us not to go in that direction. I said, "Why? What is in that direction?" He says, "It's heart." So the three of us walk away toward the open area. I feel as though we are walking away from great evil. Then, I woke up.