Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Well, this is it! Kennywood day. I don't intent to make a very long post this morning. I have less than an hour and a half to be ready to go. Amanda is terribly excited. Jenny is a little more laid back. John and I are bracing ourselves for the most tiring day of the year. We didn't make it to the mountains. The brakes felt a little funny to me and I didn't want to risk coming off a mountain with no brakes. Dad says that to drive it around on flat ground for a week and see if it feels better by next week. If it doesn't he'll see what's going on. So we took the girls to see Monster House with Maurice. Everyone seemed to enjoy it but Maurice. He doesn't like movies much. He says going to Walmart is like watching paint dry and he said the movie was worse. Oh well, I don't know really how to please him. He is lovely to talk to when we are at home and he enjoys the historical things. He just doesn't seem to enjoy any of the things the kids like for us to do as a family. He is going to hate Kennywood day. He'll just have to deal with it. Then after the movie we went to Walmart and to the auto parts store to get things to fix up Amanda's new tricycle that I bought on my way home from the grocery store. It isn't perfect but it will make her so happy. I am so excited about it! Well, off to Kennywood!


  • At 1:19 PM, Blogger xSianyxBabyx said…

    Mayme have a fabulous day....entertain your girls and enoy yourselves!

    Don't worry too much about pleasing everyone...remember that he has come to visit you and he is fitting into your lives, not the other way round! Do what you always do and most of all.....

    HAVE FUN!!!!

  • At 7:19 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    I agree with Sian.... even though he's visiting, you all still have a life that goes on and things you want and need to do. If Maurice doesn't wish to participate in the odd thing, he can just stay home and relax, no?

    Hope you have fun!

  • At 8:56 AM, Blogger DrSketch said…

    Did I miss a post? WTF is Kennywood Day??? (Too early to be thinking, sorry Mayme!)

    How was Monster House? One of my online friends did the commercials for it, so he got to go to the opening night, and he said it was amazing.

  • At 11:20 AM, Blogger Mayme said…

    I see you figured out what Kennywood day is, Adam. I thought I had posted about it before, but my mind is about shot these days.

    We really enjoyed Monster House. (except for Maurice) I thought it was pretty awesome too.

    Maurice can be a bit of a stick in the mud. I love him to pieces and really do enjoy our conversations. However, I find it a bit disheartening when the things I like to do or need to do are described as being "worse than watching paint dry".


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