Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Monday, August 07, 2006

One More Day

Well Kennywood is over and there is one more day until I have to go to the dentist. Got it into my head in the middle of the night that I am going to die in the dentist chair. I think I will call them today and get a little more antibiotic. I am all out and since I have a heart murmur I should have one just before I go in. Otherwise, there is a possibility I could die in the dentist chair. At least this is what I have been told. Everyone keeps assuring me that it is not going to be bad. I hope they give me good drugs when I am done though. I want to sleep it all off. Mom says she will take care of feeding my family and make me some soft stuff. I'm still pretty scared but not as bad as I was. As long as I don't die in the chair. Speaking of dying, my brother was sure my Dad was going to have a heart attack and die on one of the roller coasters. He's such a mother hen. They do have warnings about not going on the rides if you have a heart condition, but Dad can read. I told Dad that Matthew was worried about him going on the roller coasters. His reply was, "but that's my favorite ride." I don't much care for roller coasters. They give me a headache, but Dad loves them. So I told him to enjoy himself but if he had a heart attack and died I would most likely be in deep shit. He laughed and told me that Matthew doesn't like him to do anything. Anyway, Dad's doctor has given him no restrictions. Dad loves the ride. He knows about the warning. Matthew's first reaction when Dad got off the ride was, "Look how red his face is!" I said, "Look how red everyone's face is. Look at the grin from ear to ear." I don't want Dad to die. I love him very much. He knows it too. Someday he will die, though. I hope it won't be for a very long time. I just don't want to stop him from doing things that put that ear to ear grin on his face while he is still with us. What point is there to keeping death at bay if you are miserable? Other than Matthew being a mother hen to Dad the day was pretty enjoyable. I don't think Maurice thought so most of the time, although he was grinning on the bumper cars. He wouldn't ride much but he decided he was going to have it out for the kids on the bumper cars. We all love him to death. As Dad put it, "He's just set in his ways." It was not unbearably hot. It was hot but bearable. In the hottest part of the day we went on the water rides. Sure didn't take long to dry off. The ride operators all seemed to be in good spirits. The day sped past. We were all exhausted after our day out. It is so much more work when you are taking Amanda. She has to be lifted on and off everything. John's back is sore. I will give him a nice long massage after work. His love for his daughters really shines through on Kennywood Day. You would never guess that they weren't biologically his. (Wasn't too long ago that somebody told him his daughter, Jenny, looked just like him! He beamed!) They may not be his in the biological sense but in the heart, where it matters, they couldn't be more his. I know that when they think of who thier Dad is it is his face that comes to mind. They went to pretty much being someone's responsibility and obligation (That's how my ex treated it anyway. Never heard from him unless he wanted something.) to being someone's pride and joy. I sit back and watch my family look at each other with love on thier faces. I see the teasing and laughter that should come from fathers and daughters. I see the hugs and the serious talks. I watch as John fixes things for them or offers them fatherly advice. I am proud of what my family is. A day at Kennywood always lets me see what a wonderful family I have.


  • At 8:58 AM, Blogger DrSketch said…

    Ah, I understand what Kennywood Day is now... Sorry, I'm really slow today!
    Glad you guys had a fun time!

  • At 12:11 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    Sounds like a fun time was had by all Mayme! Your family is lucky to have John, and he is lucky to have all of you.

    You'll be okay at the dentist hon, try not to worry too much!

  • At 7:20 PM, Blogger xSianyxBabyx said…

    Sounds like you had a fab day at Kennywood Mayme!
    We know how much you love your family but reading it is so sweet! Your family is lucky to have you!


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