About Me
- Name: Mayme
- Location: Vanderbilt, Pennsylvania, United States
I am wife of John and mother of Amanda and Jenny. My girls and my husband are the things I value most in life. I am a stay at home mom although both my girls are teens. Amanda has cerebral palsy and is deaf. She needs her mom with her. Jenny is a bit shy but has a sense of humor that keeps me going. I have a soft heart and can easily be moved to tears. I live on a small farm and enjoy country life. I have a love/hate relationship with Walmart.
At 7:47 AM,
Mayme said…
Nothing like being the first to comment on your own blog! I am so excited that I managed to get a picture on there! Wooooooooo!
At 8:59 AM,
DrSketch said…
Congrats on learning the image posting Mayme!
At 12:12 PM,
Jude said…
Congrats Mayme! :-)
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