Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Friday, September 15, 2006

In The Mood!

Nope, not that kind of "in the mood". (Although that is never a bad idea.) I woke up in the mood for cooking, cleaning and baking! Martha Stewart, eat your heart out! I'll never have a Martha Stewart type home, but today I am in the mood to make the best of what I have. Then of course, I am a complete slob on most days and it takes me mere minutes to undo everything I have worked days on straightening up! Ah, doesn't matter! It looks good for awhile. My main trouble in this house is clutter. I have oodles of it. I have so many things tucked away here and there that I don't even know I have. I have been slowly reducing this heaping pile of clutter. Goodwill, here I come! I am going to pack the minivan full of what we don't use and haul it on out! Why should I hoard things when they could be getting use by someone who needs them? Not to mention all the space I can clear up for the things I truly love. I want to make my little space cozy and nice with lots of goodies for my family to nibble on. So, I am off to do some cleaning and organizing. Then to the store and to visit Mom at the hospital. Home this evening to fix a yummy meal and maybe bake cookies in the evening. I know John has been craving oatmeal cookies.


  • At 10:50 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    Clutter is so easy to create, isn't it? Yum, cookies! I'll bet your family will love that. ;-)


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