Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Our Possible Solution

We have decided that we do NOT want to put Amanda away. We also think that the doctors don't know exactly how to treat her because they have never seen the behavior themselves. She also does a few other little oddities. However if someone outside the family is watching she won't do them. So putting her in the hospital for observation doesn't work that well. When she was in the hospital all she did was sit in her wheelchair looking out the window crying. We have decided to hide a video camera in our house. That way we can capture her behavior including her little oddities and her interaction with us. Then we can give it to the doctor so that he knows exactly how she behaves. Maybe then they can know better what to do for her. There has to be a better way than just locking her up. So we are off to check out cameras.


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