Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Thursday, September 07, 2006


My mother slipped yesterday on the wet porch and fell. She broke her knee cap. She is supposed to have surgery today. I have no idea what time today though. I am going to try to call her as soon as I think they might allow calls to patients. I hope she will not have gone to surgery before I get the chance to talk to her. She was so worried about canning her green beans yesterday. I will can them for her. They said she will be in the hospital about a week. And she won't be doing much when she gets home either. She will be in an immobilizer for awhile and when she starts walking again it will be with a walker. I have not talked to her yet but I know she will be pretty upset. It took her 8 years and 8 bone surgeries to walk after polio. Her big fear has always been of hurting her good leg. Of course it is the good leg that she broke. I'll have to cook for Dad. If Mom isn't there to cook for him he just doesn't eat. We can't have that! He won't even make a sandwich. Jenny was at thier place when Mom fell. I had run into town to do some errands and have a bit of retail therapy yesterday. Jenny went to thier house to do her schoolwork. Dad had just bought a wireless router for his computer so that Jenny could connect her laptop to the internet. He was just dying for her to come over and do her schoolwork there. So she went. When I called to check up on Jenny Dad told me that Mom had fallen. I asked if she was OK and Dad said that she was "hobbling around a bit". I remembered that when Jenny broke her ankle Mom and Dad told her it would be fine and sent her to bed. (I was working at the time and got home to see that her ankle was at a funny angle.) So I dropped what I was doing and went to get Jenny. I figured that if I got Jenny they would go to the hospital. No. They were supposed to get Taylor (my nephew) off the school bus. I tried to tell them that I could arrange things with Amanda's van driver so that Amanda got off at Taylor's and I could get them both. No. They did say that they would go to the hospital later though. Then she started saying she was going to go drive over to pick up the green beans she ordered. (One of the local farmers sells his produce by the bushel and she always orders from him for canning.) I told her I would go get the green beans. It took a little convincing but she finally let me go get the green beans, but only if I let her buy me some tomatoes and a head of cabbage! Then she starts telling me she will go to the hospital after my kids go to bed because Amanda likes to instant message with her in the evening. I told her forget the instant messaging and that I would talk to Amanda. She would not agree to that. So when Amanda got home from school I told her that Grandma fell and hurt her leg and needed to go to the hospital. I told Amanda to call Grandma and tell her to go to the hospital. So Amanda did that. Then we took the girls out for pizza and to a Steelers party at the mall. I called Mom and told her we were going so that Amanda would be otherwise occupied. That way Amanda wouldn't even be thinking about instant messaging with her. Amanda loved the Steelers party. There was LOUD music and even with Amanda's only 10% hearing she heard it. She really enjoyed the music. The band was pretty good. I never heard of them but they were good. When we got home there was no answer at my parents house. So I took that to mean they were at the hospital. They were. I called my brother and he said they were going to call him when they knew anything. So I told him to call me. Then my aunt called worried about my Mom. Shortly after my aunt called my brother called back to tell me what was happening. So that is the entire story and now all I do is wait to see when she goes into surgery and how she is doing. Amanda is making cards already.


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