Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Friday, September 08, 2006


Mom's surgery went well last night. It was around 7:00 when they finally got her into surgery. She did well in surgery. Dad called and said they were getting ready to bring her back to her room around 8:30. When she got back to the room she called me and said that she felt pretty good and that she was eating KFC. When I was up to see her before the surgery she couldn't wait to get something to eat. Dad must have gone out to get her the chicken. I thought she hadn't been allowed to eat since midnight the night before but she did get breakfast. The breakfast they sent her was not suitable for her. She is a diabetic. According to her description they sent her a piece of french toast that resembled a hockey puck with regular syrup and cream of wheat with regular sugar. She said it was all inedible. She told the nurse she couldn't eat it. If she had eaten that it would have made her blood sugar too high for her to safely have the surgery! The nurse told her not to eat it and asked mom what she wanted. Mom told her she wanted an egg. So the nurse brought her 2 eggs, toast and coffee. Mom was much happier with that. Then right before surgery the anesthesiologist came to talk to her about giving her general or a spinal. They were really pushing her for the spinal. Then Mom asked if a spinal was a good idea for someone who had had polio. They told her they didn't realize she had had polio and that she would have to have the general. So she asked them if they had bothered to read her chart. Then when she was in the room waiting to go to surgery they came to get the guy next to her. She heard them tell him someone would come back to get him so they could put his stent in. That's when they guy told them he was supposed to have the end of his finger reattached! None of this instilled much confidence for us in the hospital. But Mom did come through it all just fine. And they did operate on the correct leg and they did not put a stent in her or attach someone else's finger! I don't like that hospital to begin with, but it is Mom and Dad's decision. I am going to can her green beans for her today and hopefully find some time to go to see her.


  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    That's so nice of you to do up the beans for your Mom, Mayme. I'm glad she's doing well. That hospital gives me the heebiejeebies from what you've said!


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