Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Monday, September 18, 2006

Gak! Monday morning!

It can't possibly be Monday morning yet! I did not sleep well last night. Jenny has recently gotten 2 pet mice. They were keeping her awake at night with the noise from thier excercise wheel. So she put them out in the short hallway between her room and ours. I call it a hallway but it is only the space at the top of the stairs. There are only two rooms upstairs and the stairway is between them. So she has them sitting at the top of the stairs between our rooms. No wonder they were keeping her up at night. They made such racket all night long that John and I couldn't sleep......and we had the door shut! The little black one (Nobody) would be satisfied if you took it out at night. The big fat white one (Socrates) gets mad. She climbs the top and tries to chew her way out. We have to find a way to quiet that wheel down. They were finally quiet and still and I started to drift off to sleep when I realized I could smell coffee. Our coffee maker is set to make the coffee 15 minutes before the alarm goes off. So, no point going back to sleep!

We had a nice weekend though. Saturday we went out for a bit of shopping. We didn't buy much, just picked up a few little things. We stopped by the hospital to visit Mom. Then we took the girls and went to Red Lobster. We couldn't really afford it but we didn't want to miss the endless shrimp. We ate like a couple of starved animals. The girls don't like shrimp so they got lunch specials. I nearly needed CPR when we got the bill! I am so ashamed to have spent that much on one meal. At least I was able to eat shrimp until I nearly exploded. I gave the kids my biscuit, salad and side dish so I could eat more shrimp! Thank God we only do that once a year! Came home to do some more housework and organizing. Went to bed exhausted Saturday night. Sunday we spent most of the day outside. We tidied up the yard. Amanda rode her bicycle. I did laundry and put it on the line to dry. The sun on my face felt so good and the scent of the fresh laundry on the line was wonderful. It was a nice day. We started to watch "Assault on Waco" but apparently all the fresh air caught up to us. We were both asleep on the couch in a short while.

Well, Monday is here and I have loads to do. I better get on with it!


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