Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Not going to church......again

I guess we are getting into a bad habit of not going to church. I have a bit of a headache and so does John. I do enjoy church and want the kids to go. Jenny loves going to the youth group. However, the last couple of times that we went the pastor has been preaching with fire. If there is one thing that turns me off to church it is to go and be shouted at. I honestly believe that the Spirit moves you from within in that still, small voice. For me the message reaches home quicker if it is delivered in a patient tone of voice. If I want shouted at and judged I will go visit my mother. Which is exactly what I have planned for later. Actually she doesn't usually shout, but she does say things that make me feel judged. It is like she holds onto every bad thing I have done in the past to bring up now and then. Just to stick a knife in. At least, that is how it feels. I wish that every time my kids do something less than pleasing she wouldn't say things like, "They got that honestly." or "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." or "Remember when you...." It seems I rarely escape a visit with her without one of those comments. However, we promised to go down today. We were going to have one last swim before Dad closes the pool. It is chilly and rainy! Figures. We could have went yesterday when it was sweltering. Instead we worked our butts off and figured we could have our play today! Ahhhhhhhhhh! Oh well. I guess it is off to take some Tylenol and relax with John until lunchtime. Then off to visit Mom and Dad. Then we have to run to the store for some necessities. Then John and the girls will come home and I will go to the laundromat to wash John's work clothes. Those things are not going into my washing machine. They weigh a ton from all the zinc that is on them. It does not wash off. I take them to the laundromat and put them in those heavy duty super jumbo washing machines. Maybe next week we will visit a different church. One that makes us feel good when we go.


  • At 11:24 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    Oooooh I know what you mean about church! What you said about being moved by the quiet still voice inside is true. And you can't hear it if you're being shouted at.

    Have fun today Mayme, hopefully your mom will only have nice things to say!!


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