Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Friday, September 01, 2006

Urologist Yesterday and Sweet Jenny's Opinion of My Blog!

Took Amanda to the urologist yesterday to find some answers for why she is getting so many urinary tract infections. She had to go have x-rays done at Children's Hospital. Then we went over to the urologists office. The urologist feels that Amanda is holding it too long and probably not completely emptying her bladder. He said those things are common in kids with cerebral palsy. He has scheduled her for an ultrasound on her kidneys to be sure they are normal. He said that unless she starts having major problems such as infections in the kidneys we will just treat the infections as they occur. He doesn't feel she needs any major interventions at this time as long as the kidneys look OK. So that appointment went well. Amanda was scared though. They put a hospital bracelet on her and she thought she was being admitted as an in patient. She was bad last night. She decided to take one of her hitting, screaming, biting and glasses breaking fits. We had gone out to get groceries after supper. On the way back she decided to attack John. She was hitting him, screaming, attempting to bite him and trying to get hold of his glasses. He managed to keep her from biting him or getting his glasses. It went on from about 8:00 to 11:00. We went to bed exhausted. Believe it or not this behavior is an improvement. It at least doesn't happen as often.

I said something to Jenny yesterday about my blog. She then said she didn't know I had one and wanted to know what I put on my blog. I told her just stuff about my life. She then told me that it was boring. I told her that people read it. So she said they must be very bored people! So, I chased her through the house. She was giggling the whole way! Rotten kid! So to all of you bored people, I love ya. Thanks for reading about my boring, mundane life. Ha! She's just feeling bold because she got her new computer.


  • At 1:12 PM, Blogger DrSketch said…

    Hehehe... Aren't MOST blogs just about boring people's lives? It's great for those of us who don't live nearby to stay up to date with what is going on in your life.

  • At 1:45 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    I love blogging and reading my friend's blogs!

  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger Backy said…

    Now what could be more boring than an old guy digging up the woods and taking pictures of everything?


    ..... bbb

  • At 8:39 AM, Blogger xSianyxBabyx said…

    Boring or not...I like to hear about the "mundane" things you all do!


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