Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Monday, August 28, 2006

First Day Back To School

We have heard Amanda awake since 4 am. She is so excited about her first day back to school. She knows she doesn't get up until 5 to get ready. We could hear her in her room but she did not get out of bed until 5. Of course when I came down the stairs at 5:00 I barely made it into the bathroom before her. That would have been disaster! Fortunately, she waited and let me pee before she went in to get dressed. John did not make it in before her. Of course he has the portable pee unit and was able to go outside. Having no close neighbors does have some benefits. She has decided to wear make up to school this year. However, after seeing her attempts at putting it on herself I have decided to help her. We wouldn't want her going to school looking like a circus clown. She has chosen her new jeans and her Scooby Do t-shirt with a little silver heart necklace. Last night before bed she had me paint her nails. She is wearing a very pretty cologne that her aunt sent to her from England. I sent a note to the teacher about her being ill this summer so they would not think she was faking if she says she is tired. I also wanted them to know that she will be having more tests for diabetes shortly. I asked them to help her make appropriate food choices. I am sure I will be getting a call this morning. If I don't hear from the school by 10 am I will give them a call.

We are still waiting on the arrival of Jenny's laptop for school. Her classes have been moved back a week. Because of the recall on so many laptops and laptop batteries none of the kids have gotten thier computers. It is hard to have cyber classes without computers. Jenny is so excited to get started. The last thing she wanted was another week of summer vacation. I am very excited about it for her.

Yesterday's trip to my parents went about as well as expected. We made a very hasty departure when we just couldn't take any more. I was doing my very best to hold back tears. Turned on the radio as I was getting in the van and Billy Idol's song "Rebel Yell" was playing. I was feeling a bit rebellious myself at that moment so I turned it up so that mom would hear it. I have decided that for one day I am going to dress the way I feel on the inside instead of what is acceptable for a woman of my age. Ha! It includes a lot of black leather and fishnet stockings. When I told John of my desire to dress like that he just smiled and told me to go ahead! There is a picture of me dressing up similar to that with Jenny but it is a little milder than how I feel on the inside. I am tired of suppressing my rebellious streak. Perhaps this is my midlife crisis. Oh well. I don't intend to dress this way every day. I just want one day to go completely off the deep end. Is that too much to ask?

John and Amanda have gone to work and school. Jenny is in bed. I finished my book. I don't know what else to write. I could clean house, but I don't wanna! I could watch tv but there is nothing on at this hour. I have rented dvd's but I don't want to watch them without John. I guess I'll go check out the news websites and see what is going on in the world. Maybe do a little ebay shopping. I might even get inspired to write. Just not in the mood yet.


  • At 6:47 AM, Blogger Mayme said…

    How do I change the time on this? Every thing I post actually is posted about an hour and a half later than it says it is.

  • At 9:05 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    The time setting is under "Settings" and then "Formatting", try to change it there Mayme.

    Too bad Jenny has to wait the extra week, she's so excited to start. Hope Amanda's day at school goes well for her!

  • At 10:04 AM, Blogger Mayme said…

    Just checking to see if it gives me the proper time now.

  • At 10:30 AM, Blogger xSianyxBabyx said…

    Woo Hoo Mayme! Everyone has to just let go now and again and if it makes you feel better then DO IT!!!!

    Bummer about Jenny not being able to start school yet, but I hope Amanda has a good day! I used to love first day back...seing your friends and making new ones!

    Have a fab day Mayme...I now have to go and clean most of my house....BORING way to spend bank holiday Monday huh?!!!!

  • At 3:52 PM, Blogger Backy said…

    Blogs are set on Pacific time when you get them. It's up to the owner to change them. Some people never do.

    ..... bbb

  • At 8:35 PM, Blogger KarenDay said…

    mine is still on New Mexico time on

    I would hate to not be in a classroom with other kids,,gosh, I hope Jenny is good at making herself do her work!! I would fail terribly...and get bored rather quickly...but that was me...

  • At 5:32 AM, Blogger Mayme said…

    This type of school is definately not for everybody. Jenny is very much a self motivated learner. She loves to learn and dives into it head first. She taught herself to read hieroglyphics when she was eleven years old. When we took her to Carnegie museum when she was twelve she really impressed the person that worked in the Egyptian section. She was taking us through and explaining everything and the reasons behind everything to us. When she is with other children she feels held back. She has worked on a similar system within an anctual private school. There was one teacher for 12 grades and each child worked independently at thier own pace. She finished early and had to be given extra work. Her grades were averaged for the year at 94%. When she was tested for admittance to cyberschool (which is state run and goes off the same testing as regular school) she tested at above grade level in everything except math. She tested at grade level for math. When she was in public school she came home frustrated every day. She told me the kids were so bad that the teachers couldn't teach and it was a waste of time. The last day she went a boy exposed himself to her. I never sent her back. She has been much happier and has learned much more since. She used to get mostly C's until I took her out of public school. At the cyberschool they said she is an ideal candidate. I know what you mean about there not being other kids though. They have social gatherings and field trips with the other kids in cyberschool. She also is very active in the church youth group. I wanted to make sure she remained active in things where she would be with other kids her age. Some kids are very good at this type of learning. I think Jenny will be. Some kids are not motivated on thier own enough. That would have been me too, Karen. I would have failed miserably at cyberschool. Thank God Jenny is not me!


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