Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cats and mouse

I really haven't forgotten that I have a blog. I just haven't felt much in the mood for posting anything. I haven't read anybody's blog either. I just haven't been in a blog mood I guess. So......things that have happened recently. Well, I finally found homes for a good portion of the cats around here. We still have a few kittens inside. I have actually managed to tame the feral kitten that I caught in a box trap. She is now very nice and loving. She has gone from hissing and trying to scratch and bite when you come near to climbing onto your lap, pushing her nose under your hand and very loud purring. I thought she was going to be hopeless because of being so wild. Now, I must admit that out of all the outside cats she is my favorite. I am just glad to be rid of the majority of cats. It is not that I don't like them. It is just that 20 cats is too many for anyone. I still keep the sign up at the end of the driveway telling people not to drop off cats. I found most of them new homes by placing a really, really sad sounding ad in the local paper. I made sure to stress that these kitties had been abandoned on our farm by thier owners and that I could not afford to care for them all. That's when the calls started coming. When I just advertised as having cats and kittens needing homes nobody called. I guess sometimes you have to get pathetic. Speaking of pathetic, I am a hopeless case. Around this time of year every year the field mice start sneaking into the house to keep warm. Field mice are actually pretty cute and on the small side, but of course you don't want them in the house. I spotted the first one the other day. So I had John put out a mouse trap. The mouse trap went off the other night and I saw this little tiny mouse struggling with a trap caught on its tail. It managed to break free from the trap and run off. Last night just as I was going to bed the little critter peeked out at me from under the closet door. Then it slowly walked out into the room and proceeded to watch me. I held perfectly still watching it while it held perfectlly still watching me. When I finally decided to give up watching it and go to bed I moved and that startled it back into the closet. Since being watched with it's cute little face and those dark questioning eyes I can't set the trap. I have made John get me a humane trap. I will trap it in there and then set it out to the barn. It may get eaten by cats out there but at least I won't have to know about it. Or, it could be cunning and hide away well from the cats. At least I will not have to clean up its dead body and know I caused it. Pathetic, huh? It looks just like the one in this picture that I found. I don't seem to be able to upload the picture. Oh, well. It's a cute little mouse though.


  • At 11:25 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    I know what you mean. I DO NOT want mice in my house either, and several years ago we had one, it pooped everywhere in this house before we finally caught it. Hubby set traps and one day I was the one who found the dead, crushed mouse in it. I actually got hysterical and couldn't stop crying. I don't want them in here but I don't like killing them either. Pathetic? Yup. LOL


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