Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Eventful Day

Yesterday started off rather slow. I fell back to sleep while Jenny worked away on her school lessons. She finished all her assigned work by lunchtime. So we decided to go to the Holiday Inn to have a swim. (I used to do that a lot.) When we got there we were told that they no longer allow public swimming, but that Hampton Inn still does. So we went to Hampton Inn. They wanted $10 per person for swimming though. I was not about to pay $20 for the two of us to swim for an hour. I used to have a membership for swimming at the Holiday Inn that cost $75 for 2 people for 3 months. No way am I paying $20 for about an hour. So Jenny and I decided to go dig around some thrift shops instead. The Goodwill was closest so we went there first. We found nothing very interesting there. So we decided to go to the Salvation Army. Just as I pulled off the street and into the parking lot there some woman backed her car into my van. Only a little scratched paint on both cars. Very nice lady but she very obviously was not paying much attention. She didn't hear the horn and she just backed straight at a good little clip for reversing out of a parking spot. I have seen trucks get out of spaces like that using a lot less space. I couldn't really get out of her way. There was traffic on the street so I couldn't back up or I would have got hit by oncoming traffic. If I moved forward I was going to get a worse hit. So I knew it was coming and just hoped she didn't bust out the headlight. She didn't. Then I come home to find out someone dumped off a bunch more cats here. I am getting overrun with cats. I can't afford to feed them all and they all need spayed/neutered. I didn't ask for all these cats but now I have to pay to keep from getting more cats. Yesterday's bunch includes a mama with kittens about 3 months old. She is also pregnant again. Then there is the feral one that decided to take up residency here and give birth. She isn't even approachable. This new bunch of cats were scared but approachable. They kept walking around in circles. They didn't know where they were or what to do. They were very hungry so of course I fed them. I am hoping to find them homes somewhere. The shelters won't take them because they are already over full.

On a positive note, Mom came home from the hospital last night. She seems to be doing well. She is really glad to be home. They removed her staples before she left the hospital yesterday. She had 17 of them. She is able to walk with a walker. She got a new brace for her leg affected by the polio. The leg that she broke is in an imobilizer. So she can't bend it but she is walking. She was worried that she would never walk again, but she is stubborn. She has been working very hard. I think she will do well. She and her little dog are very happy to be together again. He is a senior citizen and nearly toothless now. He was so upset that she wasn't around. Dad had a time with him pooping on the floor. He never poops in the house, but he was very upset about Mom being gone. Now he can stop pooping in the house. Mom's home.


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