Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sleep, sleep, sweet sleep!

That's all I want today. It isn't what I am going to get, but it is definately what I want. I have been so extremely tired lately. I can't get through a day without a little nap. I know getting up at 5 isn't easy for anyone. Here is pretty much my weekly schedule.
Monday, Friday
5 am- 6:20 am - Get up, get Amanda up and put out everything she needs to get dressed, put John's lunch in his lunchbox, put breakfast food on table. Play on computer while everyone else eats.
6:30 am- start laundry, strip beds, clean up breakfast
7:30 am- wake up Jenny. Feed Jenny. Eat breakfast. Clean up mine and Jenny's breakfasts
8:30- go workout
9:30- clean animal homes, feed and water animals, play with animals
11:00- lunch-I'm usually starved by now!
12:00- clean up from lunch, more laundry
12:30- vacuum house and mop kitchen
1:30- clean bathroom
2:00- take a nap
3:00- watch tv
4:00- Amanda and John get home
4:30- start making supper
6:00- supper
6:30- clean up kitchen
7:30- get Amanda bathed
8:00- watch tv with my family, give Amanda meds and a snack
9:00- put Amanda to bed, get coffee ready for morning, take John's lunch for work out of the freezer, sign papers for school, get food out of freezer for next day, plan meals for next day
10:00- get on computer for chat if I am not too tired, if I am tired I go to bed

Tuesday, Thursday
Pretty much the same until
8:30 am-11 am- Go to the animal shelter to clean pens and feed animals
11- lunch either in a restaurant or a bag lunch, depending on my budget
12- 2:30- run all my in town errands, including shopping, banking, whatever else happens to need attention
3:00- feed and water animals at home, clean litterboxes and pens
after 4- pretty much the same as the other days

Morning routine the same as Monday and Friday until
9:30 am-12 Go to my mother's and clean house
12- prepare lunch and eat at my mom's
1-laundry, feed, water and clean up animals
3-watch tv
after 4 pretty much the same as every other day.

however things fall into place. We try to have some fun and get some projects worked on.

10:30-12 church
12:30 lunch either with my parents or at a restaurant
Lately we haven't done church or the special lunch. We have stayed in bed.
Most of Sunday is unstructured after church. However, during some part of Sunday I clip coupons and organize them, wash John's lunchbox, make John's sandwiches for the entire week and freeze them, make a week's worth of "uncrustables" for Amanda and freeze them, mix and bottle a week's worth of gatorade (I buy powdered form), mix and bottle a week's worth of lemonade or iced tea for John's lunch. John takes 2 bottles of gatorade and 1 bottle of another drink as well as a liter of water. I also make a point of doing something together with my family on Sunday afternoon. If the weather is fitting we go outside. If not, it is an inside activity. I hop on the computer for a few minutes here and there every day. Usually as I am doing my other stuff I'll just take a few minutes. Whenever I just need to do something different for a few minutes I hop on here.
Anyway, right now I just feel very run down. I made an appointment with a diabetes specialist for next Wednesday. I haven't had medical insurance for so long. Perhaps some of my exhaustion is due to not taking proper care of my diabetes. Well, now that I have medical insurance maybe I can get that back on track. Maybe once I get my health in better shape I will have more energy.


  • At 9:44 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    I hope your diabetes specalist can do something to help with your tiredness Mayme. I'm tired all the damn time too but I think it's just age and lack of sleep. LOL


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