Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I'm Back!

Wow! It has been a long time since I have written a blog. I also haven't read any for awhile. I just haven't been in the blog mood. My apologies to all my dear friends! I have just been so involved in my diabetes here of late. I finally got my insulin pump! Yay! I have also been going to diabetes education classes and reading everything I can find about diabetes. When I was younger I just didn't care much about my diabetes. Then I found myself without health insurance. Not being able to take care of myself really made me want to take better care of myself. I struggled through not having insurance. Now we have good health insurance. I intend to do my very best to take care of myself. I'm sure my body has suffered some damage but I don't have to let it suffer any more. This pump has been like a miracle to me. The differences I have seen in just the last three weeks have been amazing. I went from extreme highs and lows on multiple injections to almost always being in the normal range. When it does go out of range I can usually account for why. Most likely that I have not counted my carbs right. However, a return to normal blood sugars is just a few button pushes away. Not only that, but I can give myself insulin in less than a unit dose. If I only need .1 unit of insulin I can take just that. I just hope and pray I never lose my insurance again though. The cost of pump supplies is terrible. We could never afford them uninsured.


  • At 6:00 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    Yay, Mayme's blogging again! :-)

    That pump has to be the 3rd. best thing that ever happened to you Mayme, after your kids and John of course!


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