Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Monday, February 12, 2007

A month without shots!

Today it is one month since I started my pump. Has it really been a month since I last took a shot? Sure, I still have to stick a needle in myself but once every 2 or 3 days sure beats 4 or 5 times a day! For the most part it has been a smooth transition. There have been a few minor problems here and there, but nothing that would make me want to go back to the shots. It has certainly been a life changing event. I have enjoyed foods I haven't been able to enjoy since I was a child. The best part is that they didn't raise my blood sugar. I have refrained from making a total pig of myself though. I still want to remain healthy and not gain a lot of weight. But it has been oh so nice to be able to enjoy something once in awhile and not have it throw everything out of whack. Yesterday I went for lunch at my parents house. They normally eat very low carb. I don't know what got into them yesterday but the meal was anything but low carb. And it tasted wonderful. I tested my blood sugar, entered in the amount of carbs I thought I would eat. Then I ate and thought it tasted so good I wanted some more. So I ate some more. I entered the extra carbs into the pump. I could never have gotten away with eating the extra carbs on shots, at least not without a spike in my sugars. My blood sugars for yesterday were 84, 129, 120 and 92. (normal is 80-120) I cannot wait to get my a1c test done to see what has happened there. (a1c is an average of blood sugars over a 3 month period) A1C results are recommended to be 7 or below. I am embarrassed to say what my last one was, but I can guarantee the next one will be much better.

I also went to church yesterday for the first time in a few weeks. I attend the same church as my ex husband's uncle and cousins. They are really nice people. I knew them before I knew him and have always gotten along well with them. Uncle Tom has always been so good to me and my girls. I showed them all my pump. Tammy (Ken's cousin) also has diabetes and couldn't believe how good my blood sugars are. Dana (another cousin) informed me that Ken's sister, Melanie (or the bitch as I think of her) is pregnant. Dear God, that poor child. Melanie has almost finished her schooling to become a psychologist. I sure wouldn't want her to be mine. Let's see, first off she planned Jenny's kidnapping and took part in it. You can find assault and kidnapping charges in her records. There are so many other reasons but I won't go into it. It would take too long. I really don't like her. I hope for the baby's sake she turns out to be a good mother. So, Jenny will be getting another cousin. I guess Melanie has not even spoken to Uncle Tom or any of her cousins in years. First they have heard from her in about ten years. Well, since she is the person I dislike most in the entire world I wish her labor to be terribly painful! (I wish nothing bad for the baby though. It isn't the baby I dislike.)

Guess I should go. I'm getting angrier by the minute thinking of Melanie. Time to start laundry and clean up this mess John tracked all over the kitchen floor this morning.


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