Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Monday, March 19, 2007

Girl's Lunch Out Planning

Before I start anything else I just want to say, "This new, improved, updated blogger sucks!" Every time I come on here I have to log in to my account at least twice before it lets me do anything! If it takes everything correctly I have to sign in using my blogger account name first then I have to log in again using the google one. I have tried to make them both the same and it won't let me. I have tried marking "remember me" and it never does. I have tried logging directly into the google and it says my username is not found. Pain in the butt. Why do they always have to "improve" things? Grrrrrrrrrr! OK, rant over.

Well, on to what has been on my mind. Planning a girl's lunch out. I thought since next month is my birthday it would be the perfect excuse to get everyone to come. After all the only thing I have asked for this year is for the women in my life to join me for lunch! The whole lunch out thing comes from my childhood. Every Saturday when I was growing up the ladies in my family would go out to lunch and go shopping. We always had the best time. Then as my grandmother got old and everyone's lives got busy it just stopped happening. I miss doing it as much as I miss my grandmother. It was how she kept her daughters and granddaughters close, really. Now we have all drifted apart. I called around and asked several of the ladies how they would prefer to get together. Should I make lunch for everyone? Should we do a potluck? Or would they rather go out? Of course because I am not financially capable of paying for everyone if we went out everyone would have to pay for thier own. Everyone I asked wanted to go out and nobody minded paying for thier own. The majority liked the idea of going to Red Lobster, so Red Lobster it is! I like the idea that we are treating ourselves to something special. I can't wait to sit around the table with all my girlfriends and the women of my family sharing food and conversation. Amanda and Jenny are both excited about the day as well. Amanda has called my mother at least five times already to ask her if she is going to Red Lobster! I think I may try to seat my mother close to my friend Traicy (if she is able to make it) and me. Then when mom has to pull out her syringe and give herself a shot we can push the buttons on our pumps and take our insulin without having to drag out the old shot!

I think I am going to go lay down now. I have been ill with a very, very nasty stomach virus. I spent Thursday night in the emergency room getting IV fluids. I couldn't even keep water down. I was so dehydrated that they had a very hard time getting blood from me. I had a hard time thinking straight when I first got to the hospital. Maybe it was from being dehydrated. I had a fever too. The best thing about the whole ordeal was that because of my pump I was able to keep my blood sugar stable the entire time. I still don't feel great. I can't eat much but I am keeping down what I do eat. I guess that is something good then. Off to bed for me then! Night!


  • At 9:33 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    Hope you're feeling back to normal soon hon! And dammit I sure wish I could celebrate our birthdays together at your luncheon Maymse, wouldn't that be a hoot and a half?? LOL


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