Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Awesome day with Jenny!

Yesterday Jenny had a field trip to the Heinz History Center. http://
My dad also went along. We had a really great time. That place was so interesting. After the guided tour we stuck around as long as we dared. (to avoid rush hour) We roamed about looking at some of the things not covered in the tour. The tour felt a bit rushed, but I know they try to get as much in as they can in the amount of time they have for the tour. Wondering around on our own was the best experience. One area that wasn't in the guided tour was the Special Collections exhibit. In that exhibit they had things they didn't really know where to put. This is where you could find some odd and unusual looking things. Some things were pretty common and some things you had to look them up to find out what they were. The permanant wave machine was one of those things that left you wondering. I certainly would not want that thing attached to my head! There was also a small electric powered car by Westinghouse in this display. Jenny has some pictures and I am bugging her to give me copies. When I can convince her to send them to me I will post them. My dad treated us to our lunch in the cafe. It was a pretty nice lunch. Sandwiches come with chips, pickle and a cookie. (It was nice to not have to give away my cookie!) We had a great day together. After everyone got home we went out to dinner as a family and then we went to see "Wild Hogs". I never laughed so hard in my life. We all really enjoyed it. Jenny was convinced it wouldn't really be very funny, but she was laughing a lot too. I dropped my popcorn into John's lap. Popcorn flew everywhere. The showing was sold out and of course people sat in the seats next to spot for wheelchairs. So we had to go clear to the front to sit so that we weren't blocking the aisles with Amanda's wheelchair. I wish I had dropped the popcorn on the people sitting next to the wheelchair spot. John sat between me and Amanda and Jenny on the other side of me. Through the whole movie Amanda held John's hand. It was sweet. We had a very nice day yesterday. Today we get to clean house and do laundry. Yuck!
edited to add some photos of the day


  • At 1:29 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    I would have asked the idjits sitting by the wheelchair spot to MOVE!

    So glad you enjoyed your outings Mayme!


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