Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Monday, March 12, 2007

Psychologists, hair cuts and waxing!

I only have a few minutes this morning to post. So there isn't going to be much here! Have about an hour until we have to leave to take Jenny to see her psychologist. She hasn't seen her in several months but asked me to make her another appointment. I know she has been feeling a lot of stress with her schoolwork and some of her friends. At least these are normal stresses for a fourteen year old. Last year all she could focus on was problems with her father. She actually seems to be working through the things that have been bothering her. It never hurts to have someone to go to though. I don't anticipate her to need a lot of counselling. After the psychologist, Amanda and I have appointments at the hair salon. Hair cuts and brow waxing for us both. I get the upper lip done too. John says you can't see the hair on my upper lip but it bothers me, so I get it ripped out by the root! LOL John's sister doesn't think you can see it either. I felt it was really bad when we were in England for my father in law's funeral. I refused to go to the funeral with a mustache. They all said I did not have a mustache, but if I feel I have one then I do! I know you really can't see it unless you get up close, but that's enough for me to want rid of it! Now, if only I could afford to do something about those lines appearing on my forehead! I also need to take off a little of my extra body! My BMI says I'm overweight. (At least it doesn't say I'm obese, yet) I think my skin is a little dull these days. I can't believe that next month I will be 38. Last thing I remember I was 16. Now I have a child older than that. I am starting to see things that remind me I am not 16 now. Of course if I really did what I want to do at the hair salon my mother would faint and think I had lost my mind. (Why does that make it more tempting?) Wonder what she would say when I show up at her house with purple hair? I have wanted purple hair for years. Maybe one of these days I will actually do it! John is actually for me getting purple hair. He had a mohawk back when he had hair. Ah, the secret side of us that nobody knows! Well, I better go now. Finally getting my turn in the bathroom! Mom is always last to get to put on make up and do her hair. Wonder what the girls would think if I got purple hair?


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