Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Friday, May 04, 2007

Happy Birthday to my baby!

Today my Jenny is fifteen! When she was born she weighed 5 lbs. 3 oz., born on 5/4/92 at 5:05 pm. She was 18 inches long. Her birth took 20 minutes! Her father was present, but was upset because he was going to miss the end of Darkwing Duck. He joked and said she could have waited until the show was over to be born. Well, at 5:05 she actually did! LOL She was born with lots of hair and it was platinum blond. Over the years she has given me a lot of joy and made me very proud. So far she has caused very few gray hairs. Today we are spending the day together. She does not have to do any schoolwork today. We are starting out by going out to breakfast. She is getting most of her presents on Sunday at the family party. I do have a small gift to give her at breakfast. Going to be a nice day for us.

On another note the swelling in my ankles is finally gone. Doctor is running some tests, but I might have been worried for nothing. The swelling seems to have gone away with the end of my period. However, the swelling was so bad that it left bruising. I guess we'll see what the tests reveal. Today I am going to have my hearing tested. I have had a very hard time hearing John lately and I noticed I am turning up the tv. Things are sounding a bit garbled. So, off to see Jimmy (Cuz) today! His patients do tend to look at us funny when I call him Cuz and we hug and laugh. Jenny is going with me. She wants to go. (Not that me having a hearing test is exciting or fun.)

Well, I am going to go now and pack John's lunch for work. I bought sandwiches at Sheetz. All I have to do is put everything in the lunchbox. Lazy me! Ha!


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