Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I am finding myself feeling lonely. I suppose in the very near future I will be too busy to be lonely. I also will be having much more contact with people so that will also be a fix for the loneliness. Sometimes as I am busy cleaning the house and preparing meals I just wish someone was near me. John working so much is really bringing me down. I miss him so much. I miss our mornings together and our sharing lunch. I am glad he is working days now but I miss those special times we had alone. My children are teenagers and they want me to leave them alone! LOL Amanda is gone from 6 am to 4 pm every day at school. Jenny is at my parents house every day for her schoolwork. John is at work. I am alone. John is gone 12 hours a day, six days a week. Sundays we go to church in the morning and then the rest of the day goes by so quickly. Evenings he is a zombie on the couch. I so desperately want a day where his thoughts are not on work. A day we can spend together doing whatever feels right at the moment and talking a lot. I miss talking to him. Saturday we had a great day as a family. We just took off for the day and went taking pictures of whatever struck us. It was a wonderful day and it passed too quickly. John was actually off this past Saturday. I would like more days like that. I probably talk too much sometimes when I get around people. It's just that I so rarely get to talk to people. I know that is going to change when I get really started talking to people about diabetes, but for now I am lonely. I am really looking forward to the lunch on Saturday. I won't be lonely that day! I will be surrounded by friends and family! Well, I better get going. Amanda is home today to get ear molds. I have things to do. Perhaps someone will even talk to me today.


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