Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Friday, April 06, 2007

Morning grumps and controversial shot for girls.

I am in a grumpy mood. I didn't start out that way. As a matter of fact I was in a good mood until John left for work. Then I went to the basement to start some laundry. John has sat 2 big boxes of books that I had ready to go to Goodwill right in front of the dryer. I had to drag them so I could open the dryer. Then I look up and notice that the top to the game table I had him give to the youth group last night is still sitting there. So instead of a multi-game table he has just given them a miniature pool table. (along with all sorts of things for other games that they have no top for!) The air hockey and table soccer top are still sitting there. Great! Now I have to call the pastor and tell him he only has part of the table before he thinks it is a broken piece of junk and tosses it! Oh, well. He was tired, but it still bugs me.

Jenny has to go to the doctor today. Nothing wrong. Just a physical and booster shots. She's getting gardasil. It's the one that protects against the hpv strain that causes some cervical cancers. So much controversy surrounding it because hpv is sexually transmitted. The thing is the vaccine protects her for life. I can't very well expect that in her lifetime she will never have the possibility of being exposed. It is, I believe, the most widespread STD there is. So, the thing is that once a girl is exposed to the virus the vaccine won't help. So, in order to protect a girl for life you have to give her the shots while she is still a virgin, or at least not exposed to the virus. It doesn't mean you are giving her the OK to go out and have sex or that she will go out and have sex. It means you are protecting her for life against something that has the potential to do great harm to her if she would ever be exposed. You can have the perfect daughter that saves herself for marriage and she marries a man who has been exposed. So, there your perfect daughter who waited for her wedding night gets exposure to the virus on the wedding night. If the daughter got the shot in her early teen years her chances of getting it are very slim. If she didn't she will have to be watched closely for the rest of her life for the beginning of cervical cancer. (and chances are that most daughters out there are NOT going to be that perfect daughter) Jenny and I sat down and talked about it all. She says at this point in her life she hopes to wait for marriage. (I know she might be saying that because I am her mother, but at this point I believe her.) But it makes no sense to me not to get the shot. I don't want her to ever have to have that worry. If one shot can lessen the odds she will get cervical cancer at some point in her life I am all for it. If I wait until she seems to be very interested in sex I might be too late. You can't deny that a girl will have sex at some point in her life. So, if you can do something now to protect her later I believe you should. So, my daughters will be protected. (Amanda had hers. She may never be sexually active, but you never know. )


  • At 11:51 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    I salute you Mayme, this is a great decision!

  • At 2:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I agree that just because someone receives the vaccine it promotes sexual promiscuity. In fact, the vaccine only protects against 70 percent of the strains that are considered cancer causing. Somehow, I can't see someone saying they can go ahead and have sex because they have had the vaccine and therefore only have a 30 percent chance of contracting a cancer causing hpv strain! thanks

    Lynne Eldridge M.D.
    Author, "Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time, Practical Advice for Preventing Cancer"


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