Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the Thirteenth!

And just what will it hold? Will it be a day of misfortune or a day of great times? Over the years, I must say that Friday the 13th has more often been a day of good luck for me. I have had a few misfortunes that fell on Friday the 13th. I have lost 2 cats on Friday the 13th. One of them was a black cat! She just took ill and died. The other was a kitten that wondered too close to the road. I cannot remember any other misfortune on Friday the 13th. I guess if the cats make it through today we are doing good! I woke up with a headache and upset stomach. I am hoping it soon goes. I took some tylenol and it seems to be easing up a bit. If the pain from my head stops the stomach should calm down. It feels like a mild migraine. Not one of those flat on my back, vomiting all day ones. This one isn't as bad but I still am feeling the light and noise sensitivity. The computer screen actually hurts to look at but I'll do it anyway. Stubborn, aren't I? John left me in bed this morning for a while but I got up before he left. I must have drifted back to sleep though. I thought I heard him yelling, "Help!" I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, thinking something horrible had happened to him. I made myself dizzy and my head thump doing that! I got down here and he was sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal, a cup of coffee, reading the newspaper! He looked up at me like I was in serious need of the men in the white coats. I asked him if he had called for help. He said he hadn't. I guess I must have dreamed it. Seemed real and it scared me. I guess maybe I should be up though. Before that I was dreaming that there was blood in my infusion tubing. I checked it all out. Everything is fine. I wondered if my dreams were being triggered by my blood sugar being either too high or too low. I tested. It was a little on the high side for a fasting reading, but not terrible. It certainly wasn't high enough to be concerned. It is most likely a little higher because I don't feel well. Such a nice little disease though. It gets high because you don't feel well and then you don't feel well because it is high! It actually isn't high enough to make me not feel well. Later in the day after I had eaten something it would be a perfectly normal reading. It's just a little up for not having eaten. Ah, the twists and turns of diabetes. I can't even imagine how high I would be without my pump. (Sweet Pumpernickel, I love you! LOL) I guess diabetes is about to become even more a part of my life than it has been for 27 years. I have always believed things happen to you for a reason. At the age of ten I believed my diagnosis was a part of a bigger plan for me. I never felt I was simply to just silently go along being a diabetic and telling nobody. I now know where that diagnosis was leading me all those years ago. I am going to help people with diabetes. I will soon be involved very heavily in diabetes patient advocacy. I will be starting to work with elementary schools in the area on Monday. I start with the very school I attended when I was diagnosed. I am not exactly sure what all this endeavor is going to entail, but it is taking off and fast! Because of how everything has just fallen into place I am sure this is why I have diabetes. Here is the weird thing about it all. I actually caught myself enjoying the kind of life diabetes has brought to me. I am actually feeling very fulfilled.


  • At 2:06 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    I've woken from sleep before hearing someone calling my name, or even just someone talking to me in a normal voice. And there's nobody there when I wake up. LOL

    I'm looking forward to seeing where all of this work for Diabetes leads you to Maymse! :)


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