Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Love Lost

You kiss me good night.
And you kiss me hello.
You hold me tight.
You love me I know.
But when was it last,
That we shared from our heart?
And why does it seem,
That we’re growing apart?
The love hasn’t died,
For the feelings are strong.
But it’s days full of closeness,
For which I desperately long.
I miss quiet whispers,
In the stillness of night,
And the sweet sound of laughter,
Saying all is still right.
I don’t doubt for a moment,
That you love me as much,
But I long for some closeness,
And your sweet, gentle touch.
Your work helps our finances,
But it’s not without cost.
Because you’re not with me,
I feel very lost


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