Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Weeeeeeeeee! New toy!

Yay! The state tax refund came yesterday. It wasn't huge but it was big enough for us to go purchase the toy we have been eyeing up! We are now the proud owners of a Canon Powershot S3 IS! So now we have to learn to fly it! We figured out the basic point and shoot photography on it. So we can at least start taking a few pics! There is a lot on that camera so we will be doing a lot of learning. I think it is a pretty nice camera for the price. Nothing is really wrong with the old one. We just wanted to get a new one with more options. We are so excited about our new camera. I couldn't sleep last night. I was just too excited! We went to bed talking about how it was nice to buy something for once that wasn't just "good enough". We spend 95 % of our time battling the high cost of being alive. It just felt so good to buy that camera. I am taking it with me to the doctor's office today. I might see something along the way. I will be stopping at my parents house on the way to the doctor. I want to show them our new camera. I have to stop anyway to let Jenny off so she can do her school work. Well, I best be getting dressed. I have an early appointment.


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