Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Long talk with an old friend

I have had many wonderful girlfriends in my life. The trouble is I tend to lose touch. It isn't that I don't want to talk to them or that I ever forget about them. I simply just hibernate in my little world. I get to feeling lonely sometimes, but it is my own doing. It isn't easy to get out with Amanda so I don't go out as often as I should. I tend to do all my running while she is at school and it is usually done in a hurry. I used to talk on the phone alot. Now I hardly do. I am much more likely to be on the internet. I don't ever forget them. I actually think about them all quite often. Yesterday, I just got the desire to give one of my girlfriends a call. It was a nice, lovely, long chat. It was as if there wasn't even a pause in our contact. I remember the day we met. It was the first day of kindergarten. We were both wearing the same cardigan sweater. That is what started our first conversation. From that day on we were great friends. In our adult lives we haven't had a lot of contact, but picking up the phone yesterday was just like picking up where we left off. We talked for hours and it was wonderful. She has recently had a baby. I was so happy for her and maybe just a little jealous! I'm always a little jealous of women with babies. She told me that another friend is pregnant! She gave me the other girlfriend's email address. I sent her an email last night. I hope I hear from her! I am sure glad I picked up the phone yesterday. I am really going to have to make more of an effort to stay in touch with my girlfriends. These wonderful ladies are the ones that knew me way back when. They were the ones that were there when I developed diabetes. They knew me before I had diabetes. (even though it seems like I have always had it) I have always loved them and it is time I act like it. I just hope they realize that I have always cared about them.


  • At 8:46 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    Girlfriends are so important in our lives. I cherish mine, and although we all have busy lives and don't speak as often as we used to, we all know how much love there is between us. ;-)


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