Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Friday, May 04, 2007

Unsavory memory

Two posts in one day and both before 8:00 am! I must be ill. Actually, a memory that I don't usually think about came into my head. I guess I feel I just need to let it out. I was probably about eleven years old. It was near Christmas. My parents had just started to let me go on my own in stores. We were in a discount store. My parents had left me shop on my own. The store was very busy. Near the door was a table with gloves on it. I was looking for a pair of gloves that I liked and was digging through the pile. I hadn't noticed the older man watching me at the time. I'm pretty sure he had been though. He seemed very old to me at the time, but at that age most adults seem old. He did have gray hair. I remember exactly what he looked like. He had a beard and was wearing a brown coat. He was not particularly tall or short. He had a fairly average build. He came up to me and said, "Nice evening to be out Christmas shopping. I just bought a new car. It's just outside the door. Would you like to see it?" I dropped the gloves and turned as fast as I could and ran to the back of the store. There I found a rack of winter coats. I crawled in under the rack. It was one of those round racks and I was able to disappear into the center. I stayed under there for quite some time until I thought maybe he was gone. I went and found my mother and stayed pretty close to her the rest of the evening. I didn't tell her. As a matter of fact, I never told anyone. I was afraid at the time that my mother would never let me shop alone again. After that I simply pushed it out of my mind. I never really thought about it after the weeks that followed. Until today. I have no idea why it came back to me today. I just wonder if my fear led to that horrible man taking some other child. I wonder what would have happened to me if I went to look at his car. Would I be in my grave? Would I have ever even been found? I doubt I was the only child he ever came after. How many did he actually get? Who was he? Where is he now? Is he still a threat to children? And if he took other children, is it my fault?


  • At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mayme, I think you did the right thing running. Thinking about what happened to you at that gas station recently, I'd say you have had VERY GOOD common sense all your life! You ran, because he scared you. You can say "I should-coulda", but you didn't. Even though you have that good common sense, you WERE a child. A scared chile runs. Try not to blame yourself for the "if's"...
    Hugs to ya Rev!

  • At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Whether or not you ran away from him, if he is/was a pedophile there might have been more anyway.

    How scary!


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