Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The good, the bad and the ugly.

Should we start with the good, the bad or the ugly? I guess I'll start with the ugly and work backwards through the list. The ugly is definately John this morning. Not a nice thing to say about my husband. haven't seen him this morning then! I was afraid this was coming. Around midnight he woke up, moaning. He started with the typical stomach virus symptoms. You know, the not so nice things we don't like to even think about. He looks more pale than I think I have ever seen him. He said he has never vomited with so much force in his life. The other end of him is not doing so well either and he stinks! Not from his lower half, just that overall sick smell. He has been up being sick every hour and a half to two hours all night long. I hope and pray the girls don't get this because it is the nastiest stomach virus I have even seen in a long time. Obviously, the flu shot does nothing to prevent this bug.

The bad is my blood sugar this morning. No real reason for it to be out of sorts but it is. Woke up to blood sugar of 299! Yikes! Haven't had that since I went on the pump! I checked my pump to be sure I didn't forget to bolus (give insulin) for something I ate. (That would be the simple explanation.) I had given myself a bolus for everything I ate. So my best guess is that the high blood sugar has come from stress and worry and lack of sleep. If it doesn't go down I will have to check to see if I have a kink in my line or a bent cannula or something. If it doesn't go down I guess it will be an early set change to make sure the insulin is getting through.

OK! After all that, how about some good things? Well, yesterday I took the bull by the horns and set about to paying bills and working out a budget. I wrote the last check for getting everything caught up that was behind yesterday and even had some money left over. We went out for dinner in celebration! We also went to Walmart where we bought Amanda a new set of sheets and comforter to start her room make over. We have also decided to start looking around for a new car for John. He loves his truck but it is getting a little sluggish. (It's a 94) He loves trucks and suvs but we decided on a car considering the price of gas. So my job for the next couple of weeks is going to be to go around to the car places and look at what they have. If I see something I think would be good for him I am to take pictures and write down the price and so on. Then he will decide which ones we should go look at together. The other thing we decided was what we are going to do with our tax rebate. We haven't even filed yet so maybe we are being a bit premature, but oh well! We were thinking of going to England to visit Chris. However, John can only get a week off this year and once you consider you spend a day flying each way that makes a very short and rushed trip to England. Not to mention we can't afford to take the girls and they always get stuck at home with Grandma and Grandpap. So we have decided to take the kids and go to Ocean City, Maryland. Amanda has been telling me for a few years that she wants to go to the beach and Jenny has gone with her Dad and loves Ocean City, Maryland. I have only ever gone to the beach once in my life, when Amanda was a baby. Ken and I went to Atlantic City. He gambled and I played in the sand with Amanda. We found baby turtles. You could sort of count it as twice if you count Blackpool, England. I don't count it though. I didn't actually go onto the beach and it was cold. We have decided we really would like to see Chris though. I asked John if it would be OK to invite Chris on our beach vacation. He said she can't afford it. So, I told him that we will pay for her plane ticket and hotel room with our tax refund. It will be cheaper to pay for her to come here than for both of us to go there. So a family beach vacation it is! And hopefully, Aunt Chris will be able to get some time off and will take us up on our offer! She has always been very good to us. Let's hope she lets us be good to her.


  • At 8:45 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    Oh dear, I sure hope John gets over this illness soon! Sounds just like the stomach virus my entire household had last fall.

    Did you get your Pumpernickle problem solved?

  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    Sorry you guys are both not feeling well lately; hopefully you'll be on the mend soon. But in the meantime, I'm glad you have some small measure of happiness to keep you going.


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