Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Pump Reports

I finally got the program working that keeps track of all the information in my pump and puts it on the computer. Now I can do a print out of everything for the doctor. Just not sure I want the doctor knowing that much about me! LOL I think I might just take the blood sugar readings off of it and not show her everything. Looking at the reports I can tell you exactly the date and time of each time John and I have sex! I'm not sure that I want to share that information with my doctor! It doesn't actually say "Mayme had sex at this date and time" but anyone that knows anything about pumps can tell. During any physical activity you need less insulin so on a pump you decrease your basal (base) rate of insulin temporarily. During the day you would pretty much imagine I might be working out or taking a walk or riding my bicycle. But the temporary basal rates at 10 pm don't leave much to the imagination! It isn't likely I am at the gym. The pump also details what days I was a good girl with my diet and what days I was a very bad girl with my diet. It shows every last carb I put in my mouth. So looking at my report nobody is going to wonder where that extra ten pounds came from. But, hey! I enjoyed every last carb that went into my mouth! But all in all I am glad it is that detailed for MY own sake. I can look at the reports and see just what was a good idea and what wasn't. I can see the areas that might need a bit more fine tuning. I can also see the times when maybe my carb counting wasn't accurate. I like having it computerized and very detailed. It really helps me know what I am doing. I don't have to share every last detail on that chart with my doctor. I can just share the parts she needs to know. I also got my payments set up for the part of my pump that is not covered by the insurance. I will be paying $25 a month for 2 years. That shouldn't hurt too much! That's just the co pay on one prescription at the pharmacy! Then when the warranty is up on my pump in 4 years I will be all ready to get a new one! They are so amazing now, I just wonder what they will be like in four years! I would love to have the continuous glucose monitoring system too but at the moment it isn't covered under insurance. They cost around $1,000 and the sensors (that last about 3 days) cost about $35 a piece. Not exactly in my price range. Perhaps they will soon be covered by insurance. Who knows, in four years they might be part of the pump! That would be nice. Right now the ones on the market are less than perfect so hopefully they will be better and covered by insurance in a couple of years. If and when that happens I hope to get one. For right now I am happy with poking holes in my fingers and palms 4-8 times a day. (Well, maybe HAPPY isn't the word, but accepting might be more like it.)

On another note, I had a strange, unhappy dream last night. I dreamed that for some reason I felt I had to divorce John and get married again to Ken. (my ex husband) I was divorced from John in my dream but still lived with him. It was down to a few weeks before my wedding. Ken's mother had planned a surprise bridal shower for me on a Sunday afternoon. It was Sunday morning and I had gotten wind of the shower. I was very sad and depressed over it. I didn't want to be marrying Ken, let alone having a shower. It was getting closer and closer to the time for the shower and I was getting more and more depressed. John was with me and trying to comfort me. I wanted nothing more than to be with John. Then I got an international phone call from my friend Colin. John had answered the phone and brought it to me. I got on the phone and Colin was telling me that I didn't have to marry Ken. He told me it was silly that I was marrying Ken when I was in love with John. So after talking with Colin I decided that I was going to send the guests back home, telling them that the wedding to Ken was off and I would be marrying John. I felt quite happy that I wasn't being forced to marry Ken anymore and could be married to John. However, the alarm went off and I never got to the part where I actually sent everyone home and made my announcement. I was very happy to see John laying in the bed next to me when I woke up! I probably would have started screaming if I woke up and Ken was there! It is so nice to be married to someone you are so completely in love with! Colin was right. I should be married to the man I love..........and I am!


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