Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Monday, April 02, 2007

Stormy Sunday

Ok. Who stole the night? I think I fell asleep the minute I crawled into bed last night and morning came too quickly. I changed the sheets on the bed last evening, so I had the smell of fresh sheets when I went to bed last night. I always love that first night in the fresh bed. Yesterday wasn't the Sunday we had planned, but it turned out pretty good anyway. We got up and went to church. I really enjoyed the service. After church we went to my parents for lunch. We usually go there after church on Sundays. Mom and Dad don't go to church and it is hard to rush around getting lunch after church. So Mom fixes something and we go over there. The church is about halfway between my house and thiers. Amanda had really wanted to go fishing after lunch, since my parents had the pond stocked on Friday. She has been at the pond every day since. She caught a huge trout on Friday. She doesn't want to share her fish with anyone. I cooked half the trout for her yesterday. That half a trout was enough fish for two people! The rest of us had sausage and biscuits. Anyway, she wanted to fish after lunch yesterday. (I kinda got off the subject there for a minute!) It was pouring down rain with threats of thunderstorms. So, after she had a little hissy fit because she couldn't go fishing she went in by my parents' computer and we could hear her talking to herself. She was telling herself she could go fishing another day and that the flowers needed the rain. It was kind of sweet. Most people do this same dialog in thier head when they are disappointed but Amanda does it out loud. Maybe because she doesn't hear she doesn't even realize other people don't do it out loud. It always touches my heart to hear her talking it over with herself! So after she talks to herself she comes out and wants to go home RIGHT NOW. So we finish washing the dishes and we go home. We got home just in time for the thunderstorms to hit. There were so many things that we wanted to get done during the afternoon, but we didn't do any of them. Jenny went to her room with the ipod stuck to her head and shut the door. (her usual routine) Amanda went to her room and turned on the video games. John and I decided to ignore all the many jobs needing done and went to our room for a Sunday afternoon nap. Probably a good thing we did too. Just after we got up there Amanda decided to get mad at the storm. She started screaming that she wanted to go fishing. We heard her get on the phone and call my mom and yell at her that she wanted to go fishing. (Amanda usually calls my mom and yells when she is mad.) Sometimes when Amanda starts this yelling she will strike at anyone that comes within reach. She was out of luck for anyone to hit. All she could do was yell. So, eventually she settled down and went back to her video game. When we woke up from our nap we saw sunshine breaking through the clouds! We made an attempt to call John's sister for a little chat before supper, but she must have been working. So I cooked the trout and the biscuits and sausage. We ate our supper and John took Amanda back to my parents' house for a little fishing. They both looked like mud monsters when they got home. Jenny and I stayed home. She helped me clean up the kitchen and do the dishes. I did some laundry and put the fresh sheets on my bed. Then I settled in to watch "dlife" on tv. I try to watch it every week and I record it just in case I do happen to miss it. It's a half hour show that is about nothing but diabetes. So, they got home just as I finished watching "dlife". This morning I have to wash all the muddy towels and things. Also hoping to hear from the doctor today about my swelling ankles. Then this afternoon I have to take John's truck to put a new exhaust on it. So, typical Monday.


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