Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Back To Wales

Well, this is the day Maurice goes back to Wales. Actually, the last two days with him were quite nice. He seemed to enjoy everything. He can be very nice. It just frustrated the hell out of me when it seemed like nothing I did satisfied him. My feelings got hurt quite a few times. We had many nice conversations, especially early on in the visit. I loved to talk to him about his Spiritualism. If he could be like he was in the beginning and end and leave out most of the middle it would have been great. Poor Amanda is heartbroken that he leaves today. She cried for hours last night. Broke my heart to see her cry like that. Mom and Dad are taking Maurice to the airport this morning. They are stopping off here for Maurice to say goodbye. I am sure this morning will be hard. Amanda will be quite the handful. I will be grateful to get things back to normal though. Hopefully soon we will get the call that Jenny's computer is ready to be picked up. Will have to take Amanda school shopping. Jenny says she is going to school in her pajamas. Guess it doesn't matter much since it is cyber school. She is excited. I hope we hear from them real soon. I don't know what day classes are to begin but she hasn't even got the computer yet. Then we will have to figure out how to get it on the network. I think I will have to buy another network card. Going to have to get all that going soon. Well, I have a lot to do today. Best get busy. As for the tooth, I feel absolutely nothing there today. No pain. No pinch. No "funny" feeling. No pulling. It feels normal.


  • At 8:46 AM, Blogger xSianyxBabyx said…

    Today is the day Mayme! Woo Hoo!

    Poor Amanda...I bet she'll miss maurice terribly. Hopefully she'll be better after a day or two.

    I'm sure you will be gad to have your family back!


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