Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Walmart and dinner out!

Ah, yes. The love/hate relationship (or relationshop, as one of my dear friends typoed yesterday) reared it's head. I made a trip out to our new Super Walmart. I guess maybe I should explain my love/hate relationshop for those that don't understand. Many of you already know. I love the prices, the selection and that I can get it in one place. I hate what Walmart does to the little guy and of course how new ones pop up where there isn't needed another one. Let's not get into replacing my beloved old buildings with Walmarts. Anyway, after a month of being told that going shopping was like watching paint dry, I was in need of groceries. I also needed to get some clothes for Amanda to start school. Jenny is attending cyber school so her clothing needs are not as urgent. So last night we went shopping. Amanda got 3 new outfits. I think she will look very pretty in them. Someone recently thought she was a boy. I got so extremely pissed. I don't think she looks like a boy but she has always favored dressing in less than a feminine way. She has only voluntarily worn a dress to my wedding. Any other dress that has been put on her has been chewed, torn and spit on. So, I tried to pick things that weren't overly frilly but still made her look like a girl. Of course, they had to meet her approval as well. It was a daunting task! Jenny was a huge help. I made sure to get Amanda some jewelry to go with her new outfits too. I am getting excited to see her all dressed up for school. I let Jenny get a pair of leggings she really wanted as well. I told her I would get her more new clothes but that it would have to wait until a little later. She didn't mind. She says she plans to go to school in her pj's anyway. I finally found the Gatorade drink mix. I have been looking for that! It was exactly where John told me it was! It is so much cheaper to mix that up for John and put it in bottles than it is to keep buying those 20 oz. bottles. You have to cut corners where you can. The rest of the shopping was just my average grocery shop. We also went to Garfield's for supper. They had a pick 2 for $9.99 deal. You could pick 2 from a list of appetizers, entrees and desserts. I wanted Bourbon Chicken. The price of Bourbon Chicken on the regular menu is $9.99. The price of bourbon chicken on the pick 2 menu is the same only you can pick either a dessert or an appetizer to go with it. I'm no fool. I took the free appetizer. I had 7 layer dip with tortilla chips. Everyone chose something that was either spicy or saucy! The bourbon chicken came with garlic mashed potatoes and yellow and green beans. Needless to say, we had a stack of take home boxes at the end of the meal. No way could we eat all that! I finished off the 7 layer dip and chips late last night. Well, I have to take Amanda to the dentist today. She has 2 small cavities. Not a problem for her. She loves going to the dentist! Is she nuts?!?!


  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    That's cute that she likes going to the dentist, I wish we all felt the same way! LOL

    Glad to hear your pain is gone now Mayme. And how are things now that Maurice is gone, has Amanda settled down about it or is she still upset?


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