Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday Morning.

Well, this weekend went too fast! It was wonderful being at home with the kids and John. Saturday John has to work until lunchtime. Of course that was the day I had the migraine. Luckily it passed well enough that I could function. We had a wonderful time at the mall after we got Jenny's eyes examined. We didn't buy much, just mostly looked around. We got a bag of warm cashews and nibbled them while we looked around. Yesterday was pretty uneventful. We skipped church again. The pastor is going to think we ran away! We just cleaned the house and did some reorganizing. Still working on getting that junk room cleaned out so it can be Jenny's classroom. School for her starts in a week. They still haven't sent the new computer. So, I will be back in the dungeon, I mean Jenny's classroom. I hope her computer and curriculum come today. There won't be anything she can do until they arrive. She is so excited and can't wait to get started.


  • At 8:54 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    Hmmm, I hope Jenny's computer comes soon! Oh and I'm glad you got rid of that nasty headache!


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