Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Friday, August 11, 2006


Yesterday afternoon my jaw started to hurt worse and the swelling increased. My stomach was a bit upset as well. I think a bit of infection has crept into the area where the tooth was. So, I started on the antibiotic. I had the dentist write me a prescription for one just in case. Glad I did. I started them yesterday afternoon. It already feels a bit better. I also spent yesterday rinsing with salt water. It hurt more yesterday afternoon than it has since it was pulled. I took a pain killer yesterday. The girls were both being perfect angels until I took that thing. I slept for awhile. Then Amanda discovered that Maurice and my parents had gone out for the day and it was possible that he wouldn't make it to our house for supper. So she wakes me up by screaming and smacking me in the head. I woke up a little disoriented also. So I am sort of wondering what's going on. Everything is sort of spinning. Amanda is screaming. The pain starts to creep back in although I still feel like I am floating. Finally get myself pulled together and try to calm Amanda. She is having no parts of being calmed. She goes between dialing the phone and getting no answer at my parents' house to screaming at me because she wants Maurice for the next 3 hours. I keep telling her that Grandma will call us when she gets home and we will go get Maurice. John had to stop at Sears to get a new belt for the lawn tractor so he is late getting home. Jenny has taken to hiding in her room so as not to catch Amanda's wrath. Finally, just as I am putting supper on the table my mother calls. Maurice is there. Obviously he is not going to be with me for supper. I tell her that we will eat and then come down for a visit. Amanda refuses to eat because she wants to eat with Maurice. I had made ham and french fries because they didn't require much messing with while Amanda was having her melt down. So I told her if she didn't eat she wasn't going to get anything to eat. So she still refuses the meal claiming she hates ham and french fries. (Since when?) She makes herself a peanutbutter sandwich. Fine. I don't care. The rest of us eat our ham and french fries. We had a nice visit at my parents house. Amanda acted as though she were an angel all day. (Mom knew better though.) Today the older folks are planning a trip away all day. They don't intend to come home until bedtime. They told Amanda that they would be gone. Let's hope it sunk in and she doesn't have another melt down today. She has had at least a minor one every day since Maurice got here. She adores him and wants to spend every minute with him. Once lunch is over she starts fretting about seeing him. Around 3 she usually goes into her screaming, hitting thing. He usually gets here around 4. So I usually only have it to deal with for an hour. Last night they didn't call until around 6, so it was a hard night. IF Amanda does not go wild tonight I hope we can cut some grass and work on her bicycle. She has made it impossible to do anything but tend to her this entire month. My nerves are shot. I love this early morning. John has just left for work and the kids are still asleep. Amanda won't sleep for long though. It is just so quiet and peaceful. I am tired. I just don't want to go back to sleep and miss the most peaceful part of my day.


  • At 1:08 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    Wow, what will she be like when Maurice goes home, Mayme? Does she understand he will be leaving?

    Yes sounds like your infection wasn't completely gone. I hope the anitbiotics knock it out for good this time.

  • At 4:14 PM, Blogger Mayme said…

    She'll be better after he goes home. She understands when he will be leaving. This 3 hour scream and hit fest was not as bad as it gets sometimes. Before the medication we had to lock ourselves in our rooms to avoid being hurt. She can be a sweet little angel but she doesn't know how to control her emotions. If you can get her to understand ahead of time she isn't really hard to deal with. She was made to understand last night that Maurice wouldn't be coming today. She is handling it pretty well. Yesterday though nobody bothered to tell me they would be gone in order to prepare Amanda. Then my mother says she can't handle everything if I tell her what Amanda is doing. How would she like to be the one it was happening to? Grrrrrrr. Anyway, the pain is very minimal today from the tooth. I could write a whole other blog entry here if I get into Amanda's behavior.

  • At 5:45 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    I'm glad the pain is starting to fade Mayme. It's about time you had a pain-free mouth!

    Bless Amanda's heart. I'm sure you're right, if your Mom had to deal with her daily she'd maybe understand how important it is to "plan" around her.

    Have a good evening Mayme!


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