Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tired and headachy

I don't feel much like writing anything this morning. I am so tired and headachy this morning. It's not a major headache. Just one of those little naggy sort of headaches. Maybe I will lay down for a little bit after John goes to work. He is sitting here having his breakfast now. I have to take Maurice to the mall this afternoon to buy gifts for his daughters. He was rather pleasant last night and I enjoyed his company. I hope it carries on today. He seemed to be liking just about everything last night. He was more talkative and he laughed a lot. We got some good pictures of him with everyone last night. I think he was really surprised that we gave him a birthday party. I have a lot of things that need doing around the house. I am going to do as much as I can but not push it or the headache will get worse. As for my jaw. It isn't bothering me in the least this morning. It still feels a bit "funny" but no pain. I can even poke at it without pain. I guess what feels "funny" to me is the fact that there isn't a tooth there! There is a slight pulling feeling there. I guess that is the gums healing. Won't be long until I don't even notice it.


  • At 9:36 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    I hope all goes well with Maurice today, and you get rid of your headache.

    And then....... ONE MORE SLEEP! :-)


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