Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Monday, August 14, 2006

I can't believe I like the weekdays more!

Yep. I have really been looking forward to the weekdays. On weekends we feel obligated to spend John's off time with Maurice. It's like on weekends we run around doing things to try to please him and failing every time. He didn't say one way or the other if he liked the museum. I know the kids had a good time. We really couldn't afford it but we did it anyway. At least the girls had a good time. We didn't get to see a lot of the museum. John and I want to take the girls on our own again sometime so that we can see the rest. John was a bit snippy yesterday. The stress of this visit is getting to him too. He told me this morning that he doesn't want him invited back. He said (and I agree) that he feels that Maurice doesn't care much for us. He seems to rave about my mother and he will sit and talk to my dad and brother for hours. As far as when he is with us though he seems very uninterested. John says he will ask him how work was and when he answers him he just gets a blank look on and starts looking around the room. I am getting really tired of insinuations that I need to kill some of my cats. I said something about having too many of them and that I needed to get rid of some. (I meant I need to find them new homes.) He asked me what method we use to get rid of them, putting them in a sack? When one of the little kittens turned up missing I was afraid a coyote had gotten it. It had been days since it went missing when I heard a meowing coming from some tall grass between some of the old buildings. I followed the sound and found the kitten. It was extremely bony and had a bite mark on it's neck. I guess this little kitty put up a good fight and got away. It must not have known how to make it's way back to it's mother. I picked it up and cleaned it off and hand fed it. Then I gave it back to it's mother. She took it right back. She has now moved all of the kittens. I don't know where they are now but I know she has taken them. She is a good one for moving them when she feels they are in danger. Maurice told me I would have been better off leaving the kitten out there to die. There is also a stray, feral cat that has moved into one of the buildings and has had kittens. So I know we can't keep all of these cats. We are definately becoming over populated. I have decided to box trap the feral cat and her kittens and take her to an agency that cares for feral cats. I plan to find new homes for most of our cats. Then I will be able to afford to get the ones we are keeping fixed. Our inside cat escaped a the house a while back and she is looking rather round too! We definately need to cut down the cats but not by killing them! Maurice wanted John to shoot the stray and let her babies die. He seems to think I am silly for not wanting to kill them. He now wants me to take him shopping so he can get his daughters something. He says they like gold. So I guess I have to take him to a jewelry store. When I had him with me in Walmart once he looked at the jewelry but couldn't find anything he liked. (Why does that not surprise me?) I guess I'll take him to the mall tomorrow. There are more jewelry stores than any other kind of store in our little mall. If he doesn't find something at the mall I am not taking him anywhere else. He said he would rather just give his daughters money. I think the whole point was that they wanted something from America. Tonight my mother is throwing him a small birthday party since his birthday is next month. Mom said she picked up a few things we can give him as gifts. Good. I'm glad she did. I don't want to spend any more of my money on giving him something he won't like anyway. He goes on about how hard my mother works. I know she does, but not as hard as he seems to think. She coddles him. She loves cooking and baking. It is how she spends most of her time. She cooks and bakes and takes care of her chickens. She also does laundry and washes dishes. She never cleans house. My dad cleans the house. And it hadn't been cleaned in months before he came. My mother doesn't even usually buy cleaning supplies! I think he sees me as lazy! I think he sees John as lazy too. The other day John was out on the lawn tractor cutting the grass. It was hot outside. Maurice and Amanda were on the porch. I asked them if they would like a drink. They did so I took them one. Then Maurice proceeded to tell me I needed to go see if my husband needed a drink. Well I pointed out to him that my husband had a bottle of water with him on the tractor. (Of course if John is thirsty there is nothing stopping him from getting off the tractor and getting another drink.) Then someone had left an empty pop can on the porch. Amanda was going over to pick it up and throw it away. Maurice told her to leave it alone and tell her mother to get it when I came back outside. I was busy cooking the horrid roast, corn on the cob, fresh green beans and sliced tomatoes. I didn't bother with making the mashed potatoes and gravy like I had planned. Wasn't about to go to the trouble if he didn't even like it. The kids love the corn on the cob anyway. Jenny had overheard him telling me about the pepper. I really did not put much pepper on it. I had barely sprinkled it. So she took the pepper shaker and loaded hers down with pepper! LOL I don't know how she ate it that black! She said she would have eaten it like that no matter how strong it was after overhearing him! Well, I hate to see how long this post is! I guess I should be getting on with things. I just bit my tongue trying to eat cherries. The side of my mouth that lost the tooth seems to work fine for biting tongues! Ouchie! My face is still a bit swollen on that side but not much. The pain is almost gone. John said the opening is half closed now. A few more days and I should be good as new.


  • At 8:18 AM, Blogger xSianyxBabyx said…

    Goodness Mayme! Maurice is one hell of a moaner! And so rude!

    He is of a different generation and I suppose he thinks that women should be the only ones that ever do anything around the house!

    I'm glad the girls had fun at the museum, even if he didn't. Soon you won't have to worry about him can all get on with your normal lives!

    Glad the pain has eased up your tooth, or lack of! Shouldn't be long before you are pain free!

  • At 8:57 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    Only 2 more sleeps!!!!! I don't blame you and John for not wanting Maurice back for another visit. He doesn't seem to appreciate being here much anyway, the old fart.

    Gums don't take long at all to heal over after having a tooth extracted. I'm so glad you had it done.


  • At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Maurice seems a little shoot happy you should report him to the uk goverment



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