Mayme's Journey Through This Life

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Helplessly, hopelessly dreaming.

I woke up this morning crying. It was the dream I had last night. In the dream I went to a foster home to see about adopting a bi-racial baby. She was very sweet and well cared for but it wasn't her that won my heart in the dream. In the same foster home there were two teenage boys. They were rough characters and one of them was the father to the baby. He was fighting the baby being given for adoption and wanted his daughter. But in the same foster home there was this little girl. She was six. I don't know how I knew she was six but I did. The boys teased her constantly telling her she was a no good Mexican child whose parents had dropped her off in America and abandoned. They kept telling her that nobody was going to want her because not even her parents did. I asked the foster mother if it was true that she had been abandoned and she told me she had. The little girl was very sad. She was afraid of everyone and she was convinced that I would not like her. She just kept saying that nobody liked her. She had no toys, not even a doll. The foster mother was not directly mean to her but she didn't seem to take much of an interest and never tried to stop the boys from teasing her. I sat on the floor and talked to her. She asked me what it was like at my house. I began to tell her about the animals. As I talked about animals she came closer and closer. Soon she was on my lap. When I got to telling her about the pony her eyes became wide and she told me she always wanted a pony. By this time I was holding her and she was looking into my eyes. Then the foster mother told me it was time for her to get ready for bed and I knew I would soon have to leave. As I sat there the woman undressed her in front of everyone. Then she went to put a cream on the little girl's private parts. The little girl became afraid. The woman put it on swiftly while holding her down. The little girl had on a nightgown but the woman hadn't put any underpants on her. I asked her where her underpants where. She told me she didn't have any clean. So I went and found her some clean underpants and put them on her. Then she got on my lap and snuggled in close to me. I whispered, "Don't forget I love you. I wish you could be mine." Then I woke up. What really bothers me is that I know she is really out there somewhere. That she represents many little girls. And that because we are low income and struggle with our bills I would never be able to make her mine.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

No time

No time to post anything today. Have to leave in an hour and a half to take Amanda to the hospital for testing. Will probably be gone most of the day.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Eventful Day

Yesterday started off rather slow. I fell back to sleep while Jenny worked away on her school lessons. She finished all her assigned work by lunchtime. So we decided to go to the Holiday Inn to have a swim. (I used to do that a lot.) When we got there we were told that they no longer allow public swimming, but that Hampton Inn still does. So we went to Hampton Inn. They wanted $10 per person for swimming though. I was not about to pay $20 for the two of us to swim for an hour. I used to have a membership for swimming at the Holiday Inn that cost $75 for 2 people for 3 months. No way am I paying $20 for about an hour. So Jenny and I decided to go dig around some thrift shops instead. The Goodwill was closest so we went there first. We found nothing very interesting there. So we decided to go to the Salvation Army. Just as I pulled off the street and into the parking lot there some woman backed her car into my van. Only a little scratched paint on both cars. Very nice lady but she very obviously was not paying much attention. She didn't hear the horn and she just backed straight at a good little clip for reversing out of a parking spot. I have seen trucks get out of spaces like that using a lot less space. I couldn't really get out of her way. There was traffic on the street so I couldn't back up or I would have got hit by oncoming traffic. If I moved forward I was going to get a worse hit. So I knew it was coming and just hoped she didn't bust out the headlight. She didn't. Then I come home to find out someone dumped off a bunch more cats here. I am getting overrun with cats. I can't afford to feed them all and they all need spayed/neutered. I didn't ask for all these cats but now I have to pay to keep from getting more cats. Yesterday's bunch includes a mama with kittens about 3 months old. She is also pregnant again. Then there is the feral one that decided to take up residency here and give birth. She isn't even approachable. This new bunch of cats were scared but approachable. They kept walking around in circles. They didn't know where they were or what to do. They were very hungry so of course I fed them. I am hoping to find them homes somewhere. The shelters won't take them because they are already over full.

On a positive note, Mom came home from the hospital last night. She seems to be doing well. She is really glad to be home. They removed her staples before she left the hospital yesterday. She had 17 of them. She is able to walk with a walker. She got a new brace for her leg affected by the polio. The leg that she broke is in an imobilizer. So she can't bend it but she is walking. She was worried that she would never walk again, but she is stubborn. She has been working very hard. I think she will do well. She and her little dog are very happy to be together again. He is a senior citizen and nearly toothless now. He was so upset that she wasn't around. Dad had a time with him pooping on the floor. He never poops in the house, but he was very upset about Mom being gone. Now he can stop pooping in the house. Mom's home.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Does he know?

I wonder sometimes if John knows just how much he means to me. I tell him I love him all the time, but does he really know? Does he know that the minute he walks out the door I start to miss him? Does he know that even if he says nothing it is not as still and quiet as when he is not here? Does he know that sometimes I go back and lay in our bed after he leaves, just so I can smell his scent on his pillow? Does he know that I look at his artwork and am amazed by his ability? Does he know that I trust his judgement more than my own? Does he know that I would do anything to see his smile? Does he know that I worry that he will become tired of me and walk out of my life? Does he know that I love to fall asleep while listening to his heartbeat? Does he know that I love to look at his hands? Does he know how many times a day I think about his kiss? Does he know that when it is time for him to be home I am watching out the window? Does he know how hard it is for me not to run out the kitchen door and jump up and down when I see his truck coming? Am I pathetic for loving him this much? Every other couple we know seems to always argue. Everyone told us to "just wait until you've been married over a year. You will welcome time apart." Well, this December is five years. I still hate every minute apart. Maybe we aren't normal. I really don't care. If that is normal, I don't want it. Maybe it is because we spent so much time apart before we were married. Maybe it has made us value our time together more. I remember the truly physical ache of not being able to touch. Talking for hours on the internet and just wanting to be able to hold his hand or get a hug. In 2 years of talking to each other we spent a total of 3 weeks together before we got married. I remember the first time I slept with him. I was very tired. It had been a very long day. I laid there awake while I listened to the beat of his heart. I took in the scent of him. I wanted to be in that moment forever. I had waited so long for that moment. Did he feel my tears of joy on his chest? I don't know. I feel like he was meant to be mine long before either of us was ever born. Is that crazy? Well, I think I'll go get back in bed now and smell his pillow!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Gak! Monday morning!

It can't possibly be Monday morning yet! I did not sleep well last night. Jenny has recently gotten 2 pet mice. They were keeping her awake at night with the noise from thier excercise wheel. So she put them out in the short hallway between her room and ours. I call it a hallway but it is only the space at the top of the stairs. There are only two rooms upstairs and the stairway is between them. So she has them sitting at the top of the stairs between our rooms. No wonder they were keeping her up at night. They made such racket all night long that John and I couldn't sleep......and we had the door shut! The little black one (Nobody) would be satisfied if you took it out at night. The big fat white one (Socrates) gets mad. She climbs the top and tries to chew her way out. We have to find a way to quiet that wheel down. They were finally quiet and still and I started to drift off to sleep when I realized I could smell coffee. Our coffee maker is set to make the coffee 15 minutes before the alarm goes off. So, no point going back to sleep!

We had a nice weekend though. Saturday we went out for a bit of shopping. We didn't buy much, just picked up a few little things. We stopped by the hospital to visit Mom. Then we took the girls and went to Red Lobster. We couldn't really afford it but we didn't want to miss the endless shrimp. We ate like a couple of starved animals. The girls don't like shrimp so they got lunch specials. I nearly needed CPR when we got the bill! I am so ashamed to have spent that much on one meal. At least I was able to eat shrimp until I nearly exploded. I gave the kids my biscuit, salad and side dish so I could eat more shrimp! Thank God we only do that once a year! Came home to do some more housework and organizing. Went to bed exhausted Saturday night. Sunday we spent most of the day outside. We tidied up the yard. Amanda rode her bicycle. I did laundry and put it on the line to dry. The sun on my face felt so good and the scent of the fresh laundry on the line was wonderful. It was a nice day. We started to watch "Assault on Waco" but apparently all the fresh air caught up to us. We were both asleep on the couch in a short while.

Well, Monday is here and I have loads to do. I better get on with it!

Friday, September 15, 2006

In The Mood!

Nope, not that kind of "in the mood". (Although that is never a bad idea.) I woke up in the mood for cooking, cleaning and baking! Martha Stewart, eat your heart out! I'll never have a Martha Stewart type home, but today I am in the mood to make the best of what I have. Then of course, I am a complete slob on most days and it takes me mere minutes to undo everything I have worked days on straightening up! Ah, doesn't matter! It looks good for awhile. My main trouble in this house is clutter. I have oodles of it. I have so many things tucked away here and there that I don't even know I have. I have been slowly reducing this heaping pile of clutter. Goodwill, here I come! I am going to pack the minivan full of what we don't use and haul it on out! Why should I hoard things when they could be getting use by someone who needs them? Not to mention all the space I can clear up for the things I truly love. I want to make my little space cozy and nice with lots of goodies for my family to nibble on. So, I am off to do some cleaning and organizing. Then to the store and to visit Mom at the hospital. Home this evening to fix a yummy meal and maybe bake cookies in the evening. I know John has been craving oatmeal cookies.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'm Not A Whore, I'm A Fun Girl!

Before anyone wonders what the title of my blog is all about I better explain! This morning I was reading a magazine article online with that title. Jenny comes over and looks over my shoulder. She looks at what I am reading and asks me what that is. I told her a magazine article. She says, "Good! I thought it was one of your friend's blogs!" So which one of you is the "fun girl"? Now she is sitting in the classroom and I hear her printer going. She is really enjoying cyberschool. Well, I am a woman of few words again today. Actually, I have a lot of things I could be doing. The first one is taking a nap! I think I will go take a nap and then do some housework so we can go see Mom for awhile tonight.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Feel pretty wordless this morning. Just tired. Went to see Mom last night. She is doing well. We enjoyed our visit. Sorry for the lack of words today. Going back to bed.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Corpus Callosum

Thought maybe I better explain what a corpus callosum is in the first place. I have c & p'ed from Wikipedia.

The corpus callosum is the largest white matter structure in the mammalian brain. It consists mostly of contralateral axon projections. It appears as a wide, flat region just ventral to (below) the cortex. It is missing in monotremes and marsupials. It is made up of 200-250 million nerve fibers.
The corpus callosum connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres. Most (but certainly not all) communication between regions in different halves of the brain are carried over the corpus callosum. The posterior portion of the corpus callosum is called the splenium; the anterior is called the genu (or "knee"); between the two is the body. The most anterior part is the rostrum. Agenesis of the corpus callosum is a complete or partial absence of the corpus callosum in humans.

Amanda's bike

We finally finished Amanda's bike this weekend. We aren't going to paint it until it gets too cold for her to be out riding. I think we are going to do it up as a "Steelers" bike. She loves the Steelers. Amanda helped John attach the seatbelt and then she was off! Saturday we got the bike all finished up. We video taped it and took the video in to the hospital to show Mom. She loved it! So Sunday we did not go to visit Mom and spent most of the day outside with the bike. Mom didn't mind at all. She was really glad we were out enjoying the day with Amanda. Of course we weren't able to drag Jenny out of her room. I guess you'll have that with a 14 year old. Mom is doing really well. They moved her to a private room. They now have lots of room to work with her in there. She has a dining table in her room. There is a chair that opens into a bed for Dad. Her bathroom is handicapped accessible. The bed has a traction bar over the top. She uses that to get herself to the edge of the bed. She has new braces and is getting out of bed and into a chair and taking short walks. She finally got to wash her hair yesterday too. That was good because she had company all day. We had a pretty nice weekend all around. Mom is getting well and Amanda enjoyed her new bike. I overheard Jenny on the phone telling her best girlfriend how much she likes the cyberschool. She called it fun. I also "talked" (pm'ed actually)to this wonderful woman, Lynne over the weekend. She gave me a lot of hope for Amanda. She is the first person I have ever known that I didn't have to explain agenesis of the corpus callosum. She has made me want to look into that part of Amanda's diagnosis a little farther. Most doctors haven't got a clue what I am talking about when I mention it and it has so far been dismissed. I think it may play a bigger role in her behavior than the doctors are giving credit. I am going to start by requesting an MRI to see exactly what Amanda's brain looks like. See here to find out about Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Mom's surgery went well last night. It was around 7:00 when they finally got her into surgery. She did well in surgery. Dad called and said they were getting ready to bring her back to her room around 8:30. When she got back to the room she called me and said that she felt pretty good and that she was eating KFC. When I was up to see her before the surgery she couldn't wait to get something to eat. Dad must have gone out to get her the chicken. I thought she hadn't been allowed to eat since midnight the night before but she did get breakfast. The breakfast they sent her was not suitable for her. She is a diabetic. According to her description they sent her a piece of french toast that resembled a hockey puck with regular syrup and cream of wheat with regular sugar. She said it was all inedible. She told the nurse she couldn't eat it. If she had eaten that it would have made her blood sugar too high for her to safely have the surgery! The nurse told her not to eat it and asked mom what she wanted. Mom told her she wanted an egg. So the nurse brought her 2 eggs, toast and coffee. Mom was much happier with that. Then right before surgery the anesthesiologist came to talk to her about giving her general or a spinal. They were really pushing her for the spinal. Then Mom asked if a spinal was a good idea for someone who had had polio. They told her they didn't realize she had had polio and that she would have to have the general. So she asked them if they had bothered to read her chart. Then when she was in the room waiting to go to surgery they came to get the guy next to her. She heard them tell him someone would come back to get him so they could put his stent in. That's when they guy told them he was supposed to have the end of his finger reattached! None of this instilled much confidence for us in the hospital. But Mom did come through it all just fine. And they did operate on the correct leg and they did not put a stent in her or attach someone else's finger! I don't like that hospital to begin with, but it is Mom and Dad's decision. I am going to can her green beans for her today and hopefully find some time to go to see her.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


My mother slipped yesterday on the wet porch and fell. She broke her knee cap. She is supposed to have surgery today. I have no idea what time today though. I am going to try to call her as soon as I think they might allow calls to patients. I hope she will not have gone to surgery before I get the chance to talk to her. She was so worried about canning her green beans yesterday. I will can them for her. They said she will be in the hospital about a week. And she won't be doing much when she gets home either. She will be in an immobilizer for awhile and when she starts walking again it will be with a walker. I have not talked to her yet but I know she will be pretty upset. It took her 8 years and 8 bone surgeries to walk after polio. Her big fear has always been of hurting her good leg. Of course it is the good leg that she broke. I'll have to cook for Dad. If Mom isn't there to cook for him he just doesn't eat. We can't have that! He won't even make a sandwich. Jenny was at thier place when Mom fell. I had run into town to do some errands and have a bit of retail therapy yesterday. Jenny went to thier house to do her schoolwork. Dad had just bought a wireless router for his computer so that Jenny could connect her laptop to the internet. He was just dying for her to come over and do her schoolwork there. So she went. When I called to check up on Jenny Dad told me that Mom had fallen. I asked if she was OK and Dad said that she was "hobbling around a bit". I remembered that when Jenny broke her ankle Mom and Dad told her it would be fine and sent her to bed. (I was working at the time and got home to see that her ankle was at a funny angle.) So I dropped what I was doing and went to get Jenny. I figured that if I got Jenny they would go to the hospital. No. They were supposed to get Taylor (my nephew) off the school bus. I tried to tell them that I could arrange things with Amanda's van driver so that Amanda got off at Taylor's and I could get them both. No. They did say that they would go to the hospital later though. Then she started saying she was going to go drive over to pick up the green beans she ordered. (One of the local farmers sells his produce by the bushel and she always orders from him for canning.) I told her I would go get the green beans. It took a little convincing but she finally let me go get the green beans, but only if I let her buy me some tomatoes and a head of cabbage! Then she starts telling me she will go to the hospital after my kids go to bed because Amanda likes to instant message with her in the evening. I told her forget the instant messaging and that I would talk to Amanda. She would not agree to that. So when Amanda got home from school I told her that Grandma fell and hurt her leg and needed to go to the hospital. I told Amanda to call Grandma and tell her to go to the hospital. So Amanda did that. Then we took the girls out for pizza and to a Steelers party at the mall. I called Mom and told her we were going so that Amanda would be otherwise occupied. That way Amanda wouldn't even be thinking about instant messaging with her. Amanda loved the Steelers party. There was LOUD music and even with Amanda's only 10% hearing she heard it. She really enjoyed the music. The band was pretty good. I never heard of them but they were good. When we got home there was no answer at my parents house. So I took that to mean they were at the hospital. They were. I called my brother and he said they were going to call him when they knew anything. So I told him to call me. Then my aunt called worried about my Mom. Shortly after my aunt called my brother called back to tell me what was happening. So that is the entire story and now all I do is wait to see when she goes into surgery and how she is doing. Amanda is making cards already.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Our Possible Solution

We have decided that we do NOT want to put Amanda away. We also think that the doctors don't know exactly how to treat her because they have never seen the behavior themselves. She also does a few other little oddities. However if someone outside the family is watching she won't do them. So putting her in the hospital for observation doesn't work that well. When she was in the hospital all she did was sit in her wheelchair looking out the window crying. We have decided to hide a video camera in our house. That way we can capture her behavior including her little oddities and her interaction with us. Then we can give it to the doctor so that he knows exactly how she behaves. Maybe then they can know better what to do for her. There has to be a better way than just locking her up. So we are off to check out cameras.

Swollen eyes, sore head and broken heart

I guess I made it through the night. I cried so much that my eyes make me resemble a frog. I woke up at 4 and spent most of the next hour staring into the darkness wondering about a lot of things. In some ways the medication Amanda is on helps her and in some ways I guess it doesn't. Her violent outbursts have become less frequent but more severe. However they have increased in frequency since Maurice's visit. She really latched onto him in some emotional way and she would become very hard to handle when she was not with him. That part of it has lessened since he went home but she gets very upset if you don't tell her several (and I do mean several) times a day that he will come back next year. I really doubt he will but that is not a bridge we can cross with her just yet. Last night she went into a rage but it was not Maurice related. I told her to take a bath. She began to yell and shout that she wasn't taking a bath. I knew if I pushed it she would come after me so I just walked away from her. Well, I guess just the mention of a bath was enough to do it for her. I had gone to the kitchen table and was sat there filling out papers for her for school. John was in the living room watching tv. Jenny was up in her room. Amanda came wheeling out of her room and came to the kitchen. She started shouting at me that she was not going to take a bath. Just then John came out of the living room to see why she was shouting. He was in the long, narrow part of the kitchen with no way to escape her except to go out the door. She turned on him with a fierce rage. She went at him full speed, grabbed hold of his shirt and started tearing it off his body. She was punching and biting him. She has incredible strength and will bite you hard enough to knock out her own teeth. She did that biting him last year. She has also bitten hard enough to go into muscle. She did that to him before too. When he got lose from her I shouted at him to go out the door. I figured if he went outside she may calm down if I remained calm. So thinking she was calming down I went back to the table. I sat down and continued writing. She must have locked the door when I walked away. She said she hurt her arm. I told her to come show me. So I sat there waiting for her to show me. Instead she grabbed two fists full of my hair and began snapping my head back and forth. I was screaming but John was locked out of the house and Jenny was hiding like she has been told to do when Amanda gets wild. I could not get a hold on her to get free of her grip. Then she grabbed me around the neck and tried to choke me. I was better able to get hold of her that way though and broke free. I then ran out the door. Amanda came out into the darkness after us. She found that she could not keep up with us nor find us outside in the dark. We were afraid that she would get onto the road and be hit by a car. She eventually calmed down enough that we were able to get her in the house. Then she turned on us again. We ran upstairs to our bedroom and called Jenny into our room with us. We locked the door. Amanda then went into the bathroom where she proceeded to destroy anything she could. Fortunately there wasn't much she could destroy in there. We had called my parents to help us and they arrived shortly after we hid in the bedroom. They were able to talk to her and get her calm but not without her taking a few swings at my mother. I don't want to put Amanda away. I don't think I can emotionally handle it. I know it will hurt Amanda terribly. She cried the entire time she was in the hospital when I had her admitted. I don't know what to do. I don't want her locked away or over medicated. And I don't want her to hurt me or kill me. All of this makes me feel so incredibly bad about myself. I don't have any answers. The doctors don't either. Every thing we have tried has failed. And even though she does things like this we know she loves us. When she is good she is a perfect little angel. She is just like night and day. My heart is so broken this morning. My head is very sore. My neck hurts but not as much as it did last night. I just wish I could crawl into a hole, pull a rock over me and lay there until I die.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Amanda had a bad night. I am very upset and in so much emotional pain that I can't even express it.


This past weekend I have hardly been near the computer. We spent most of the weekend making changes in our house. The old sink has finally been removed from the kitchen. It was a lovely old sink top on a metal base. The faucets were falling apart and it was not in working order. It just sat there taking up space and making people wonder why I had two sinks. So, I am now down to having one sink in my kitchen. I was going to put the dishwasher where the old sink was but there wasn't room to do that and still allow Amanda room to get through. The dishwasher was a portable one but I wanted it to be stationary. We had to do some changes in our plans to be able to do that. So we moved a few things around and now the dishwasher sits next to the new refrigerator. Yes, I have two refrigerators too! (There are plans for the second fridge as well.) Anyway, instead of using the plumbing to the old sink that plumbing had to be capped off and new plumbing had to be installed. My kitchen resembled a swamp for most of the weekend. I moved the kitchen table to a new spot. I can actually move around at the computer desk now. It also feels less crowded at the table and actually feels cozy. I didn't think Amanda would be able to get her wheelchair to the table if I put it any other way than it was before but this way works well. I splurged and spent $18 on my kitchen. I got a new table cloth, salt and pepper set and a set of coasters. The next project is to move the old refrigerator to the basement. I use it to store drinks in. It also comes in handy when you are preparing food for a get together. We didn't move it this weekend because it was rainy. In order to get it to the basement we have to take it outside and around the house. So the ground had better be solid. We will have to rent a big dolly for that job. We have small ones but not one for moving refrigerators. It won't be that bad to just wheel it out the door, down the ramp, down the hill and into the basement door. Much better than going down a flight of stairs with it. We just don't want to do it on soft ground and have it get stuck in the mud.

We also managed to get Jenny's little school room all set up. Her printer/scanner/copier took forever to load the software onto her computer. She now has a little office area. She has a work table with her laptop, the printer thingie, her tablet, stylus and mouse, a work lamp, shelf for her text books and notebooks, a caddy for her pens, pencils, post-it notes and flags an electric pencil sharpener and a hook to hang her carrying case. And the area is perfect. She is in a little room just off the side of the kitchen. I can keep an eye on her and make sure she is doing her lessons but she has enough privacy to keep her from being distracted by what is going on in the rest of the house. Today is her first day of classes. She will start at 8:00. Although she can have flexibility with her cyberschool I am going to keep her to pretty much a normal school day. The difference being that if we have to go somewhere during the day she can finish up her classes a little later. She is to devote a full hour to each subject every day. That will give her enough time to complete all her tasks on schedule. I think she has already read through her psychology text book. I had to pry it out of her hands to put it in the classroom. She loves psychology. At this point she wants to be a psychologist. My mother claims mentally unstable people want to be psychologists. That may be true but at least she doesn't want to become a stripper. I told Jenny to do what she enjoys. She will do well in anything she wants. She is a smart girl and loves to learn. She wants to attend cyberschool in the summers right now so she can get ahead. She would like to finish high school early so she can start college early. We'll see if that lasts though. It might and it might not. It is up to her. As long as she is at least where she should be I will be happy. I know she always gives it her best.

Amanda has been pretty good over the weekend. She wanted John to watch RV with her. So I decided we would all sit down together and watch it. So we all started watching the movie. Amanda decided she wanted to go instant message with Grandma and left us all. So we ended up watching it without her. We were enjoying a good laugh when Amanda came back. There was about half an hour left of the movie. She had decided she wanted to take the movie out and put it away. We managed to convince her to let us finish watching it.

Friday night John and I left the kids with my parents. Jenny took her computer down to play around with it with my dad. Amanda watched movies. We went to see World Trade Center. Very good movie. Very moving. I sat there bawling. Afterwards we went out for a cup of coffee and a dessert. We split a piece of seven layer chocolate cake between us. I ate slowly so that John would eat the most. Even with the extra insulin I took I still can't eat very much of it. It was a really nice evening though. I think we both needed the time alone.

This morning John left for work feeling achy with an upset stomach. I gave him some tylenol and pepto bismol. Hopefully he will feel better. Poor guy looked a little green going out the door.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Urologist Yesterday and Sweet Jenny's Opinion of My Blog!

Took Amanda to the urologist yesterday to find some answers for why she is getting so many urinary tract infections. She had to go have x-rays done at Children's Hospital. Then we went over to the urologists office. The urologist feels that Amanda is holding it too long and probably not completely emptying her bladder. He said those things are common in kids with cerebral palsy. He has scheduled her for an ultrasound on her kidneys to be sure they are normal. He said that unless she starts having major problems such as infections in the kidneys we will just treat the infections as they occur. He doesn't feel she needs any major interventions at this time as long as the kidneys look OK. So that appointment went well. Amanda was scared though. They put a hospital bracelet on her and she thought she was being admitted as an in patient. She was bad last night. She decided to take one of her hitting, screaming, biting and glasses breaking fits. We had gone out to get groceries after supper. On the way back she decided to attack John. She was hitting him, screaming, attempting to bite him and trying to get hold of his glasses. He managed to keep her from biting him or getting his glasses. It went on from about 8:00 to 11:00. We went to bed exhausted. Believe it or not this behavior is an improvement. It at least doesn't happen as often.

I said something to Jenny yesterday about my blog. She then said she didn't know I had one and wanted to know what I put on my blog. I told her just stuff about my life. She then told me that it was boring. I told her that people read it. So she said they must be very bored people! So, I chased her through the house. She was giggling the whole way! Rotten kid! So to all of you bored people, I love ya. Thanks for reading about my boring, mundane life. Ha! She's just feeling bold because she got her new computer.